28 CFR Part 36 Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability by Public Accommodations and in Commercial Facilities (2010 ADA Title III Regulations with amendments issued through Dec. 2016)
(d) Landlord/tenant: If a tenant is making alterations as defined in §36.402 that would trigger the requirements of this section, those alterations by the tenant in areas that only the tenant occupies do not trigger a path of travel obligation upon the landlord with respect to areas of the facility under the landlord´s authority, if those areas are not otherwise being altered.
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Re: § 36.403(d) Landlord/tenant
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Watch out for stricter state requirements in California and other locations. Tenant space alterations may trigger path of...
March 24, 2021 at 8:03PM
By James L. Terry - 6 views, 0 replies