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Note: This document, portion of document or referenced document was published prior to the 2010 ADA Standards, and is still applicable.

Accessible Spaces [9.2.2(6)]

Where provided in accessible units, sleeping rooms, or suites, the following spaces are required to be accessible and be on an accessible route: living areas, dining areas, at least one sleeping area, patios, terraces, or balconies, bathrooms, and carports, garages, or parking spaces.


Accessible bathrooms must provide an accessible water closet, accessible lavatory, and accessible shower or tub. If only half baths are provided, accessible fixtures are required in at least the one half bath required to be accessible. ADAAG allows provision of either tubs or showers in most accessible rooms. Some rooms in larger facilities must have a combination roll-in/ transfer shower. ADAAG covers several types of shower stall designs: roll-in, transfer, and, in hotels, a combination of the two. Typically a shower chair, a mobility aid more suitable for bathing than standard wheelchairs, is used with roll-in showers. Roll-in showers are most practical where shower chairs can be made readily available or where people may stay for extended periods (dormitories, dwelling units). The required folding seat in combination roll-in/ transfer showers offers greater flexibility by allowing transfer as well, particularly for people traveling without a shower chair. Two types of design for this combination shower are provided in ADAAG (Figure 57).

Diagram of roll-in showers with folding seats


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