State Crash Form Coordinator Survey
FHWA has funded a research project to determine the safety and operational characteristics of newer or emerging users of our Nation's roadways and trails. These include persons using inline skates, scooters, strollers, electric bicycles, adult tricycles, recumbents, tandems, trailers, golf carts, and assisting technologies such as electric scooters and motorized wheelchairs. As part of the project, we are trying to identify which States collect motor vehicle crash data on some or all of these various user groups.
We obtained your name and contact information from NHTSA's State Crash Forms Catalogue Web site:
We would very much appreciate your taking a few minutes to provide us updated information on crash data collected by your State. Responses can be entered directly into the e-mail using the "Reply" feature. Alternatively, the e-mail can be printed and responses faxed to [contractor fax], attention [contractor contact]. If someone else can better respond to this e-mail, please forward it to them. If you have any comments or questions, please call [additional contractor contact] at [additional contractor fax].
Thank you very much for your assistance. Below are our three questions. We look forward to hearing from you.
1. Please identify which, if any, of the following user groups can be identified on your computerized crash database:
Yes No
__ __ Inline skates
__ __ Skateboards
__ __ Scooters (nonmotorized)
__ __ Scooters (motorized)
2a. Does your State computerize any narrative description of the crash, either full descriptions or key words?
2b. If so, is there a way to search this database to identify potentially relevant crash reports (involving the above users)?
__ Nonstandard bicycle types (recumbents, electric, tandems)
__ Adult tricycles
__ Hand cycles
__ Bicycle trailers
__ Golf carts
__ Wheelchairs (manual or powered)
__ Assistive powered scooters
__ Racing wheelchairs
3. Are you aware of any efforts in your State to use available crash data to study the safety of any of these emerging user groups (not including standard bicycles)?
Thank you very much for taking time to answer these questions. If you have any additional comments, please include them below.
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