Withdrawn Technical Assistance: Common ADA Errors and Omissions in New Construction and Alterations
The built-up curb ramp projects into the access aisle.
The accessible parking space and access aisle is not level in all directions.
When an access aisle has a sloped surface, a wheelchair may roll away from a car or van preventing the wheelchair user from getting out of the vehicle. The sloped surface also prevents a van-mounted wheelchair lift from being fully-lowered to the access aisle surface.
4.6.3* Parking Spaces. ...Parking spaces and access aisles shall be level with surface slopes not exceeding 1:50 (2%) in all directions.
* Asterisk denotes that related, non-mandatory material is in the Appendix to the Standards.
There is no accessible route from accessible parking to an accessible entrance.
A person using a wheelchair, scooter, or walker has no way of getting from the accessible parking space to the building entrance. Often when there is an inaccessible walkway provided for others, wheelchair users must use a roadway or vehicular route which can be dangerous.
4.6.3* Parking Spaces. ...Parking access aisles shall be part of an accessible route to the building or facility entrance and shall comply with 4.3.
* Asterisk denotes that related, non-mandatory material is in the Appendix to the Standards.
No van accessible spaces are provided in the parking area.
A person who uses a van equipped with a wheelchair lift has inadequate space to lower the wheelchair lift and get out of the vehicle.
4.1.2 (5)(b) One in every eight accessible spaces, but not less than one, shall be served by an access aisle 96 in (2440 mm) wide minimum and shall be designated "van accessible" as required by 4.6.4. The vertical clearance at such spaces shall comply with 4.6.5. All such spaces may be grouped on one level of a parking structure.
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