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Common Problems Arising in the Installation of Accessible Pedestrian Signals

Issue 14: Inspection of contractor’s work - Beware of field changes!

View of corner from the middle of the crosswalk, looking West, with parallel street to photographer’s right. APS are visible on pole on left side of crosswalk behind the sidewalk, and on another pole to the right of the crosswalk, also behind the sidewalk. Arrow on APS on right aims northwest. Sidewalk slopes down to a perpendicular ramp with a good deal of cross slope.

Figure 18: APS and curb ramps that were not installed as designed.

View of corner from the middle of the crosswalk, approaching the corner. Curb ramp is directly in the middle of the crosswalk with a steep cross slope from the right; both pedestrian signal poles and pushbuttons are to the left of the crosswalk behind raised curbing at the back of the sidewalk. An APS for the crosswalk is visible with arrow pointing toward the right of the photo (should be aligned toward the photographer).

Figure 19: Another view of the same corner. Note shifting slopes and cross slopes on the ramps in addition to poor APS location.

A man stands on a corner beside a pole, with a white cane in his left hand and his right hand on top of an APS on the pole.

Figure 20: Deaf-blind user stands with his hand on the original APS to feel the vibration in order to know when to begin to cross.

Two men stand beside a pole on a street corner. One has his arm on top of an APS pushbutton and his other hand under the hand of the second man. A woman is to their right gesturing. APS are visible on two sides of the pole.

Figure 21: Orientation and mobility specialist explains the APS to two individuals who will be crossing there (two APS on same pole). One crossing is a few feet to the left of the photo; the other is approximately 20 feet to the right, straight ahead of individual standing with his arm on top of the APS.

Graphic of sidewalks and crosswalks at one corner of an intersection, (representing northwest corner), overhead view, streets are across bottom and right of drawing. One pole near the left side of the graphic is shown, with two APS mounted on it. The pole is near the ramp and crosswalk for a crosswalk labeled B(to cross street across bottom of graphic). Pedestrian is shown facing toward the right of the drawing, waiting on the curb ramp to cross the street that is also on the right side of the drawing, labeled crosswalk A. APS for that street is back by the curb ramp for the other street.

Figure 22: When two APS are mounted on an existing signal pole, one is poorly located. The pushbutton for crosswalk B is near the crosswalk, but the pushbutton (and vibrotactile arrow) for crosswalk A is a long way from the crosswalk.

While design drawings showed level landings and APS beside the level landings and crosswalks, the finished construction did not match the plans. At the location shown in Figures 18 and 19, the contractor made some decisions in the field that affected the usability of the APS and the curb ramps. 

The APS to cross the street that is on the right in Figure 18 is not located according to the plans and the arrow points to the curb ramp, rather than being aligned with the direction of travel on the crosswalk. The poor location is more easily seen in Figure 19, taken from across the street. A red circle highlights where the pedestrian signal pole was supposed to be installed. 

By the time the designer saw the installation, however, and noted the lack of compliance with specifications and with ADA requirements, the inspector had signed off on the job. The contractor and inspector both need to understand APS installation and use before making decisions in the field about revisions to plans.


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