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Common Problems Arising in the Installation of Accessible Pedestrian Signals

Issue 8: Rest-in-WALK (quiet time ok)

In some locations, the pedestrian signals ‘rest-in-WALK’ and it may not be desirable to have the WALK indication repeat constantly during the long walk interval, because the WALK indication is a more constant sound than the locator tone. 

Remedy: Draft PROWAG and proposed MUTCD language provides specific exceptions for ‘rest-in-walk’ situations.The audible WALK indication can be set to sound during the first seven seconds of the walk interval only and then revert to the locator tone. If someone presses the pushbutton during the walk interval, the WALK message can be set to sound again for seven seconds, or as long as the remaining time in the WALK, whichever is less. The vibrotactile indication usually vibrates during the entire walk interval. 

When ordering APS for use in rest-in-WALK locations, or where pedestrian signal is on recall with long walk intervals, designers should check that the manufacturer offers options for rest-in-WALK settings. 


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