(This scenario is based on real conditions during the 1995 Chicago heat wave.)
Print copies of your plan, and fill out the related staffing charts and assessment tools as you run through the exercise. Take notes on lessons learned, decisions made, and gaps that exist in your planning.
DAY 1:
The heat index has exceeded 100 degrees for the third day in a row. Meteorologists predict these conditions to continue for the next four days. The City, in partnership with public facilities, has opened cooling centers across the city.
What are your first steps? Who do you first communicate with?
What are the impacts of the heat emergency and needs of your community? Fill in the needs assessment chart in your plan template.
Which lead team and/or network members will help the community prepare for worsening conditions? Fill in tasks and leads in your staffing chart.
Which community resources can help with these tasks? Fill in your resource assessment and staffing chart.
DAY 2:
The temperature hits 106 degrees, and the heat index soars to 126 degrees. As you learn that there have been 144 fatalities directly related to the heat wave, the power in your neighborhood goes out.
What effect does the power outage have on members in your network? How will your communication change?
What will service facilities, such as daycare centers and soup kitchens, need during a power outage? How are members of your community affected?
Your lead team determines that checking on seniors and people with disabilities is your current priority. Which network members do you contact, and how do you organize them?
DAY 5:
Power outages now grip the entire city. The death toll has climbed above 700. The MTA announces the closure of all subway terminals due to dozens of heat-related deaths in the tunnels. Due to the increased demand for services and gridlocked traffic, ambulance responses are delayed up to two hours.
What other services can your network provide to assist community members? Who will update your needs and resource assessments and how?
How can your network provide services? How are you coordinating efforts?
Continue to update your staffing chart. Have roles changed? Have you recorded new tasks, their assigned leader, resources and contact information?
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