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Comparison: 2010 and 1991 ADA Standards for Accessible Design - Scoping Requirements

This document on scoping requirements and its companion document on technical requirements were created as references to understand the differences between the 1991 and the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design. The documents only include sections of the Standards that are new or different.

These documents are intended as informal guidance; they have not been reviewed by any federal agencies.

213 Toilet Facilities and Bathing Facilities

1991 Standards for Accessible Design

2010 Standards for Accessible Design

What’s New/Different

4.1.2(6) If toilet facilities are provided on a site, then each such public or common use toilet facility shall comply with 4.22. If bathing facilities are provided on a site, then each such public or common use bathing facility shall comply with 4.23. For single user portable toilet or bathing units clustered at a single location, at least five percent but no less than one toilet unit or bathing unit complying with 4.22 or 4.23 shall be installed at each cluster whenever typical inaccessible units are provided. Accessible units shall be identified by the International Symbol of Accessibility.

213.2 Toilet Rooms and Bathing Rooms. Where toilet rooms are provided, each toilet room shall comply with 603. Where bathing rooms are provided, each bathing room shall comply with 603.

4. Where multiple single user toilet rooms are clustered at a single location, no more than 50 percent of the single user toilet rooms for each use at each cluster shall be required to comply with 603.

Exception 4 is new.


213.2.1 Unisex (Single-Use or Family) Toilet and Unisex Bathing Rooms. Unisex toilet rooms shall contain no more than one lavatory, and two water closets without urinals or one water closet and one urinal. Unisex bathing rooms shall contain one shower or one shower and one bathtub, one lavatory, and one water closet. Doors to unisex toilet rooms and unisex bathing rooms shall have privacy latches.


New: Increases the number of fixtures.

4.22.4 Water Closets. If toilet stalls are provided, then at least one shall be a standard toilet stall complying with 4.17; where 6 or more stalls are provided, in addition to the stall complying with 4.17.3, at least one stall 36 in (915 mm) wide with an outward swinging, self- closing door and parallel grab bars complying with Fig. 30(d) and 4.26 shall be provided. Water closets in such stalls shall comply with 4.16. If water closets are not in stalls, then at least one shall comply with 4.16.

213.3.1 Toilet Compartments. Where toilet compartments are provided, at least one toilet compartment shall comply with 604.8.1. In addition to the compartment required to comply with 604.8.1, at least one compartment shall comply with 604.8.2 where six or more toilet compartments are provided, or where the combination of urinals and water closets totals six or more fixtures.

Name changed.

New: Includes urinals in fixture count when determining if ambulatory accessible compartment is required.

4.22.5 Urinals. If urinals are provided, then at least one shall comply with 4.18.

213.3.3 Urinals. Where more than one urinal is provided, at least one shall comply with 605.

Decrease: Scoping applies only where more than one is provided.


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