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Disability Specific Supplies for Emergency Kits

Prepare different kits for different places and situations:

  • Keep it with you (KIWY) or carry-on you kit is for the essential items you need to keep with you at all times.

  • Grab and go kit is an easy-to-carry kit you can grab if you have to leave home (or school, workplace, etc.) in a hurry. They have the things you cannot do without but are not so big or heavy that you cannot carry them.

  • Home kit is a large kit with water, food, first aid supplies, clothing and bedding, tools, emergency supplies, and disability-specific items. It includes all the things you would most likely need if you had to be on your own for days either at home or in a shelter of other temporary housing location.

  • Bedside kit has items you may need if you are trapped in or near your bed and unable to get to other parts of your home.

  • Car kit has items you will need if you have to evacuate the area and / or are in or near your vehicle during an emergency

Tailor the contents of these kits to your needs and abilities. It is ideal to plan for supplies for up to two weeks (medication syringes, ostomy bags, catheters, padding, etc.). Do what is realistic and affordable for you. Know what you are able to carry in a fanny pack, backpack or bag from a wheelchair, scooter or other assistive device. If you can only carry a 3-day supply of insulin in your grab-and-go kit than that is what’s right for you. Plan for what you can do.


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