Emergency Evacuation Preparedness: Taking Responsibility For Your Safety, A Guide For People with Disabilities and Other Activity Limitations, June Kailes [2002], contents include:
create, review and practice plans
gather emergency health information
evaluate your need to identify as someone who will need during an evacuation
practice the skill of giving quick information on how to best assist you
establish personal support networks
conduct an ability self-assessment
know your emergency evacuation options
Emergency Health Information June Kailes [2011 Edition 2], in PDF, Microsoft Word. contents include:
create your emergency health information (includes forms)
storing copies in key places
Emergency Preparedness: Taking Responsibility For Your Safety - Tips for People with Activity Limitations and Disabilities Written by June Kailes for Los Angeles County Emergency Survival Program [2006], in: PDF, Microsoft Word 1 & 2, content includes:
Know why preparing is key
conduct an ability self-assessment
establish a support team
create emergency plans
collect disability-specific supplies for emergency kits / go kits and check lists
make an out-of-state contact list (includes form)
Tips for Emergency Use of Mobile Devices – June Kailes [2015 Cell phones, smart phones and other mobile wireless devices like tablets are a big part of our lives. We rarely leave home without them and we often store important information on them. In a small or large emergency, they can be a communication life line. Provides details regarding preparing your device to quickly get and give emergency information which includes a checklist, emergency contacts and documents, alerts, texting, apps, bookmarks of important mobile sites, “no service” backup plans, skill drills and other resources.
For more information on:
Supply kits visit:
Individual Preparedness for People with Disabilities, Their Families And Support Networks (guides, videos, checklists) visit:
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