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ADA Facilities Compliance Risk Assessment Form

ADA Facilities Compliance Risk Assessment Form

(For New Construction and Alterations Projects)

Project Name: _______________________________________________________________

Project Location: _____________________________________________________________

What steps have been taken to assure that this project will, when completed, comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) and all applicable state and local accessibility standards?

Score Risk Reduction Measure

____ (Y=2 pts.) 1.) Design Contract specifically requires design professionals to comply with the ADA and ADA Accessibility Guidelines.

____ (Y=2 pts.) 2.) Design professional is required to certify in writing that the facility meets the ADA requirements.

____               3.) Formal ADA training of all Project Managers, Project Architects and responsible Design Staff (minimum 8 hours each).

____ (Y=10 pts. per 8 hours of ADA training, on average, per team member)

____ (Y=15 pts.) 4.) All Project Managers, Project Architects and Design Team members have read the entire text of both the ADA Accessibility Guidelines and the ADA regulations for Title II or III, as appropriate to this project.

____ (Y=20 pts.) 5.) Accessibility Code Review by local building official. (Local Accessibility Standard at least equal to CABO ANSI A117.7-1992 with BCMC scoping:___________________________________)

____ (Y=20 pts.) 6.) Accessibility Code Review by state building official. (State Accessibility Standard at least equal to ANSI A117.7-1992 with BCMC scoping:_______________________________________)

____ (Y=25 pts.) 7.) "Quick Look" plan review by a qualified Accessible Design Specialist, with all findings incorporated into design, or

____ (Y=40 pts.) 8.) "Detailed" Construction Documents review by a qualified Accessible Design Specialist with all findings incorporated into design.

____ (Y=40 pts.) 9.) A qualified accessibility specialist will be retained by the owner during construction to field check for continued ADA compliance.

                     10.) From discussions with the design professional's staff who will be doing the work, what is your subjective opinion about their attitudes toward compliance with the ADA? (select one)

____ (subtract 10 pts.) A.) Resistance

____ (subtract 5 pts.)  B.) Reluctance

____ (zero pts.)         C.) Nonchalance or Neutrality

____ (add 10 pts.)      D.) Interest with commitment to learn

____ (add 15 pts.)      E.) Confidence without overconfidence

____ (add 20 pts.)      F.) Enthusiasm with knowledge

                  11.) Which version of the ADA Standards (ADAAG) and which revisions were used during design of this project? (select all that apply)

____ (subtract 50 pts. if not used)                  A.) July 26, 1991 (Basic ADAAG Document)

____ (If applicable, subtract 50 pts. if not used) B.) September 6, 1991 (Transportation Section 10)

____ (If applicable, subtract 5 pts. if not used)  C.) April 5, 1993 (Technical Corrections)

____ (If applicable, subtract 5 pts. if not used)  D.) January 18, 1994 (ATM reach ranges and automatic fare vending machines)

____ (If applicable, subtract 0 pts. if not used)  E.) April 12, 1994 (Temporarily suspended Detectable Warnings requirment except at Transportation platforms)

____ (If applicable, subtract 35 pts. if not used) F.) June 20, 1994 / December 20, 1994 (Interim Final Guidelines for Title II facilities - required by certain agencies but not under ADA)

____ (If applicable, subtract 25 pts. if not used) G.) Additional Guidelines from ATBCB for Children, Public Entity Facilities, etc. (not ADA Standards, but very useful guidance.)

                  12.) The individual completing this form has spot-checked this project's design and construction documents to see if any of the "Common Design Errors under ADAAG" (see attached) are incorporated.

____ (Add 20 points if none found or subtract 1 or 2 points per type of barrier found)


Total Points: _______

< 20 This project is probably not going to be much more accessible than it would have been prior to passage of the ADA. It will probably be an easy target for complaints.

20 - 39 This project has a fair chance of accommodating many people with disabilities but may still not be accessible to everyone the ADA was designed to protect. If anyone complains about it after it's built, it may have little defense.

40 - 59 This project is probably a good attempt at accessibility but may still lack accommodations for many people with disabilities. Although defending it against a complaint may be difficult, it could have been worse.

60 - 79 This is probably the minimum level of effort to reach compliance that could be easily defended against a complaint. Although it is likely to have some barriers, they are not likely to be the most expensive and difficult to correct.

80 -100 Congratulations! You have made a clear and sincere effort to comply with the ADA. Where there are barriers (and there will be some) they are likely to be minor and inexpensive to correct.


Note, for large projects and best coverage, complete this form for Architect, Site Design Engineer,

Landscape Architect, Interior Designer, Electrical and Plumbing Engineers.

Completed by:_________________________________________________(Print Name)

of:__________________________________________________________ (Organization)

Signature:_________________________________________ Date:_________________


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