FAQ: What is "Corada WorkSpace?"
Working in access-related fields, we all have lots of information that we constantly use to be effective in our work. This includes documents, product information, videos, training materials, manuals, design templates, details, specifications, links to other resources, interpretations, memos, reports - - and much more. This data is typically scattered in many places; throughout our job files, perhaps even stacked up on our desks, in our cars, on the jobsite, or saved to our computer’s desktop or browser.
Watch: What is Corada WorkSpace?
The idea behind Corada WorkSpace is to provide a private, online place within Corada, where users can upload, consolidate, organize and maintain your own accessibility-related information. Loading this data into Corada allows it to be integrated with Corada’s existing database of other accessibility-related material, so users’ content will be in context with applicable federal standards, regulations, technical assistance materials and all of the other relevant content on Corada.
Once you are logged into Corada and on the home page, click the “Corada WorkSpace” button. Here, you will see “My Content,” “My Bookmarks,” “My Voices Posts,” “My WorkGroups” and "My Storage Space." “My Content” allows users to upload virtually any content. Users can add relevant keywords and ADA references to this content to instantly see all existing Corada content matching those same tags. Though user-uploaded content is integrated into Corada’s existing content (and also Corada’s search results), it can be marked so that it can ONLY be seen by the user who entered it and the WorkGroup members they allow to see it. It is kept completely confidential, unless a user decides to share it. Users may choose to share their content by email, to social media outlets, with other Corada users, with a WorkGroup or make it public to all of Corada users. For more information about entering content, please watch the video entitled “How to Enter Content into your Corada WorkSpace" (coming soon!).
Our hope in creating Corada WorkSpace and WorkGroups is that allowing our users to integrate their private content with Corada’s content will allow them to more quickly find all of the relevant information they need to understand and comply with their obligations under the ADA.
Note: This feature is available to Premium- and Accessibility Specialist-level subscribers only. Need to upgrade your subscription? Click here!
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