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Guide to the ADA Standards

Components of Accessible Entrances

Entrance with landing served by ramp and stairs.  Notes:  Communication Systems (§230)  Two-way communication systems, where provided, must be equipped with visual and audible signals and compliant as operable parts.  Designation (§216.6) International Symbol of Accessibility label (not required if all public entrances are accessible).  Doors and Doorways (§206.5.1) At least one compliant door or doorway.  Accessible Route (§206.3) Accessible route to entrance from site arrival points and located in the same area as general circulation paths. Security Barriers (§206.8) Bollards and other security barriers cannot obstruct accessible routes.  Detail - Access symbol with directional sign and note:  Directional Signs at Inaccessible Entrances (§216.6) Signs indicating the location of the nearest accessible entrances are required at each inaccessible public entrance.  These signs must include the International Symbol of Accessibility and note direction.  Additional content or text is not specified, but can be helpful.  It is advisable to locate signs in a manner that minimizes back-tracking.

Entrance Landings

Entrance landings must accommodate door maneuvering clearances as well as landings for provided ramps.

Entrance Landing

Entrance landing with top ramp landing and door maneuvering clearance highlighted and shown partially overlapping.  Notes:  Door maneuvering clearance can overlap ramp landing.  Recommendation:  Configure landings so that maneuvering at ramps and doors does not occur near stair openings and open drop-offs.  Recommendation:  Locate door swing outside ramp landing for greater safety.

Security Barriers [§206.8]

Accessible route adjacent to metal detector.

Accessible route adjacent to security screening device 

Security bollards and screening devices at accessible entrances cannot obstruct accessible routes or accessible means of egress. Accessible routes can be adjacent to metal detectors and other screening devices that do not accommodate all people with disabilities, but the route must be located so users can maintain an equivalent level of visual contact with personal items.

Restricted Entrances [§206.4.7]

If entrances are restricted to certain occupants on a controlled basis, at least one must comply in addition to public entrances required to be accessible. This applies to those entrances where entry access is verified by security personnel and is strictly limited to certain occupants, but no one else, including guests or companions of authorized individuals. All other types of entrances, excluding service entrances, are considered “public entrances” under the Standards, including employee-only entrances requiring keys or access cards or codes but that lack the level of security of restricted entrances.

Two-Way Communication Systems [§230 and §708]

Two-way communication system at entrance

Where two-way communication systems are provided to gain entry to a facility or to restricted spaces, they must include visual and audible signals to accommodate people with hearing, speech, or visual impairments. This applies to all entrances equipped with such systems, including those that are inaccessible. Lighted signals should have labels to indicate their meaning. If handsets are provided, cords must be at least 29” long. Control buttons and other operable parts must comply at those systems located at accessible entrances.


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