Required Compliance [§209]
Where passenger loading zones are provided, at least one accessible passenger loading zone is required in every continuous 100 linear feet of loading zone or fraction thereof. Compliance is required only where areas are specifically designed or designated for passenger loading, such as those at airports, many hotels, and convention centers.
At least 1 accessible passenger loading zone is required in every continuous 100 linear feet (or fraction) of passenger loading zone space.
Required Passenger Loading Zones
Accessible passenger loading zones must be provided at these facilities, whether or not passenger loading zones are planned:
licensed medical care and licensed long term care facilities where the period of stay exceeds 24 hours (located at an accessible entrance) (§209.3);
parking facilities where valet parking service is provided (§209.4); and
mechanical access parking garages (located at vehicle pick-up and drop-off areas) (§209.5)
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