6. RecPark Website
159. Kirola complains that the RecPark website improperly defines an "accessible park" as one that has an "accessible entrance" and "at least one recreational opportunity." Dkt. 662, 13:4-27. As explained above, the City does not rely on this statement as its standard for establishing program access to it programs, services and activities. The information on the website is intended simply to inform the public about sites they may wish to visit, and visitors are expressly invited to inquire further for more detailed information. RT 1502:13-16; PTX 3875 [075767]. There is no evidence that the City's definition of "accessible" for the purpose of its RecPark website is in any way connected to City policy regarding its program access obligations.
160. In sum, the Court finds that Kirola has failed to demonstrate that the City's RecPark website demonstrates the City's failure to provide program access to its park system.
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