USDA Forest Service Missoula Technology and Development Center Facilities Toolbox: Accessibility Tools
What is an accessibility evaluation survey and when is one needed?
Completion of an accessibility evaluation survey is the first step in developing a transition plan. The survey determines whether or not a facility is accessible, and identifies what needs fixing if the facility is not.
An accessibility evaluation survey compares each portion of the structure to the accessibility standards.
For example, doorways must be checked to see if they have at least 32 inches of "clear width." This is measured when the door is open 90 degrees for swinging doors and fully opened for other door types. The measuring tape is stretched from the face of the door to the nearest portion of the doorframe or latch mechanism on the latch side.
USDA has developed a Building/Site Accessibility Compliance Checklist that is available as Attachment F of the linked document and can be used as an evaluation guide. However, your region may have developed checklists that will better match your facilities. Check with your region or station facilities program leader (Web site available only to FS and BLM employees) or a regional recreation accessibility coordinator to find out if your region has developed its own checklist.
For recreation sites, consider using the Forest Service Accessibility Database. Check with your Regional Accessibility Coordinator for more information on the database. The Webinar recording What the FS Accessibility Database Can Do for You explains how you can use the database to record and track which recreation facilities on your unit are accessible, which facilities need work, options for accomplishing accessibility, and how to provide recreation accessibility information on the Web in a user–friendly manner.
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