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Questions & Answers: Supplement to the 2013 DOJ/DOT Joint Technical Assistance on the Title II of the ADA Requirements To Provide Curb Ramps when Streets, Roads, or Highways are Altered through Resurfacing

Q10: When does a combination of two or more ‘maintenance’ treatments rise to the level of being an alteration?

A10: The list of the pavement types that are considered maintenance, as stated in the 2013 Joint Technical Assistance document, are Chip Seals, Crack Filling and Sealing, Diamond Grinding, Dowel Bar Retrofit, Fog Seals, Joint Crack Seals, Joint Repairs, Pavement Patching, Scrub Sealing, Slurry Seals, Spot High-Friction Treatments, and Surface Sealing. The combination of two or more maintenance treatments may rise to the level of being an alteration.

The best practice is for the City or other local public entity conducting the work, the State transportation agency, and FHWA to work together to come to an agreement on a reasonable determination, document their policies, and apply that determination consistently in their locality.


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