Compliance Dates
On or after March 15, 2012
All newly constructed or altered facilities of public entities and public accommodations, including pools, must comply with the 2010 Standards.
On or after March 15, 2012
All existing facilities of public entities and public accommodations, except pools, must comply with the 2010 Standards to the extent required under title II program accessibility or title III readily achievable barrier removal requirements.
On or after January 31, 2013
Subject to other provisions of this guidance, all existing pools of public entities and public accommodations must comply with the 2010 Standards to the extent required under title II program accessibility or title III readily achievable barrier removal requirements.
For more information on effective dates, see the Department's publication called ADA 2010 Revised Requirements: Effective Date and Compliance Date and the 2010 Standards for Accessible Design.
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