Outdoor Developed Areas: A Summary of Accessibility Standards for Federal Outdoor Developed Areas
Measuring Surface Firmness and Stability
Figure 1—The rotational penetrometer is a portable precision surface indenter that is used for measuring the firmness and stability of surfaces.
The rotational penetrometer (RP) is a precision surface-indenter measuring tool for evaluating the firmness and stability of ground and floor surfaces (figure 1). To measure firmness, the precision spring applies force to the penetrator and the caliper measures the vertical displacement of the penetrator into the surface. The penetrator is then rotated and the total displacement into the surface is measured, indicating surface stability. The Access Board has conducted several research projects using the RP to evaluate the firmness and stability of trail and play area surfaces. Additional information about these projects is available at www.access-board.gov/research /completed-research/accessible-exterior-surfaces. Slip resistance is not required for the surface of trails because leaves, dirt, ice, snow, and other surface debris and weather conditions are part of the natural environment that would be difficult, if not impossible, to avoid.
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