Outdoor Developed Areas: A Summary of Accessibility Standards for Federal Outdoor Developed Areas
Protruding Objects [1016.9]
Objects that protrude into ORARs, passing spaces, and resting intervals can pose hazards to people who are blind or have low vision. Constructed elements, such as signs on ORARs, resting intervals, and passing spaces, must comply with the technical requirements for protruding objects in section 307.2 of the ABA Standards (figure 15).
The technical requirements for protruding objects do not apply to natural features, such as tree branches and rock formations. To prevent injuries to people who are blind or have low vision, whenever possible, maintain the vertical clearance free of tree branches a minimum of 80 inches above the ground surface along ORARs, resting intervals, and passing spaces.
Figure 15—Constructed elements must comply with the technical requirements for protruding objects in section 307.2
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