Outdoor Developed Areas: A Summary of Accessibility Standards for Federal Outdoor Developed Areas
Scoping Requirements
The scoping requirements for outdoor constructed features are explained in the sections of the standards that contain the scoping requirements for camping and picnic facilities, viewing areas, and trails and trailheads. The scoping requirements apply only where outdoor constructed features are provided. For instance, if a bench is provided at a viewing area, the scoping requirements apply to the bench. The scoping requirements do not require a viewing scope to be provided at the viewing area if none is planned. There are no scoping requirements for outdoor constructed features at beaches.
Camping and Picnic Facilities [F244.2.3.1, F244.3, F245.2.5.1, and F244.5.3]
Within camping and picnic units with mobility features (figure 16), at least one of each type of outdoor constructed feature must comply with the applicable technical requirements for the feature. Where more than two of the same type of outdoor constructed feature are provided within camping and picnic units required to provide mobility features, at least two of the same type of outdoor constructed feature must comply with the applicable technical requirements for the feature.
Where outdoor constructed features are provided in common use and public use areas that serve camping and picnic units with mobility features, at least 20 percent, but no less than one, of each type of outdoor constructed feature must comply with the applicable technical requirements for the feature.
Figure 16—This grill is an example of a common outdoor constructed feature within picnic and camping units.
Viewing Areas [F246.3]
Within viewing areas, at least 20 percent, but no less than one, of each type of outdoor constructed feature must comply with the applicable technical requirements for the feature.
Trails and Trailheads [F247.3.1 and F247.5]
Within trailheads and along trails, at least 20 percent, but no less than one, of each type of outdoor constructed feature must comply with the applicable technical requirements for the feature. Where camping and picnic facilities are provided on trails, the scoping requirements for outdoor constructed features within camping and picnic facilities applies.
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