Exhibit Design Relating to Low Vision and Blindness Summary Report: Research on Effective Use of Tactile Exhibits with Touch Activated Audio Description for the Blind and Low Vision Audience
The Participants
Phase I & II included ninety-two testing participants in 5 visual acuity groups. Thirty six participants were blind (18 blind since birth, 18 adventitious); 33 had low vision (18 low vision since birth, 15 became low vision); and 23 had normal or corrected normal vision. To the extent possible, each group was equally represented by age: youth (age 9- 18 years) and adults (18 years and above). The age of the participants ranged from 9 to 65 years.
Data were collected to document age, type of vision (blind or low vision), and age at which vision was lost or began to deteriorate. No record or data was recorded about the clinical reason for the participant’s vision loss or other associated health issues.
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