TM 2013-15
Baby Changing Tables
Effective Date: June 1, 2013
2012 TAS Reference: 902
Baby changing tables are work surfaces based on Advisory 902.1; therefore, if fixed or built-in baby changing tables are provided, at least 5%, but not less than one, must comply with TAS 902 based TAS 226.1.
Protruding Objects
Baby changing tables cannot violate the protruding object requirements of TAS 204 and 307 in either an open or closed position since either position is a potential hazard for persons with visual impairments.
Toilet Compartments
Baby changing tables are not prohibited from being located in wheelchair accessible toilet compartments; however, the minimum space required by TAS 604.8.1.1 for the compartment cannot be obstructed by the baby changing table in either an open or closed position.
To achieve compliance with TAS for both the toilet compartment and baby changing table, it may be necessary to design the toilet compartment to exceed the minimum size requirements of TAS 604.8.1.1 as addressed in Advisory 604.8.1.1.
The clear floor space required for a baby changing table by TAS 902.2 may overlap the water closet clearance based on TAS 604.3.2 since baby changing tables are considered convenience “fixtures” based on Advisory 604.8.1.1. The overlap is applicable only to the clear floor space and not to actual table itself.
Baby changing tables must be dispersed throughout a space based on TAS 226.2, however, an additional baby changing table is not required in a common use area of a toilet or bathing room when the only baby changing table is located in a toilet compartment.
These clarifications do not constitute a substantive change to the compliance requirements of TAS.
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