Accessibility to Perform the Essential Functions of the Job
The obligation to provide accessibility for a qualified individual with a disability includes accessibility of the job site itself and all work-related facilities.
Examples of accommodations that may be needed to make facilities accessible and usable include:
installing a ramp at the entrance to a building;
removing raised thresholds;
reserving parking spaces close to the work site that are wide enough to allow people using wheelchairs to get in and out of vehicles;
making restrooms accessible, including toilet stalls, sinks, soap, and towels;
rearranging office furniture and equipment;
making a drinking fountain accessible (for example, by installing a paper cup dispenser);
making accessible, and providing an accessible "path of travel" to, equipment and facilities used by an employee, such as copying machines,
meeting and training rooms, lunchrooms and lounges;
removing obstacles that might be potential hazards in the path of people without vision;
adding flashing lights when alarm bells are normally used, to alert an employee with a hearing impairment to emergencies.
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