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Independent Wheelchair Transfers in the Built Environment: How Transfer Setup Impacts Performance Phase 2: Final Report

Data Analysis

Descriptive statistics were used to find the population-based percentile level, highest, and lowest heights for transfers for the one-step transfer protocols A, B, and C and the two-step transfer protocols D and E. The 5th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 95th percentiles were recorded along with the minimum and maximum heights attained for each part of each protocol. A repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistical test was used to evaluate the effects of adding grab bars and a backrest to the station with regards to the maximum and minimum heights achieved with a significance level set at α<0.05.

For protocols A, B and C percentages were calculated for the space needed to transfer to and from the transfer station. Areas centered around the transfer station were defined and the percentage of the study participants who were able to transfer in that area were calculated. Percentages were calculated instead of percentiles due to the complexity of the measurements. For example, the area measurement depends on two variables that cannot be analyzed separately: the amount of space occupied by the physical dimensions of the WMD user and the actual location of the WMD and user relative to the center of the first platform.  Graphical techniques were developed to illustrate the areas and locations that WMD users used to position themselves relative to the station.


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