Accessible buildings and facilities shall meet the following minimum requirements:
(1) At least one accessible route complying with 4.3 shall connect accessible building or facility entrances with all accessible spaces and elements within the building or facility.
(2) All objects that overhang circulation paths shall comply with 4.4.
(3) Ground and floor surfaces along accessible routes and in accessible rooms and spaces shall comply with 4.5.
(4) Stairs connecting levels that are not connected by an elevator shall comply with 4.9.
(5) One passenger elevator complying with 4.10 shall serve each level in all multi-story buildings and facilities. If more than one elevator is provided, each elevator shall comply with 4.10.
EXCEPTION: Elevator pits, elevator penthouses, mechanical rooms, piping or equipment catwalks are excepted from this requirement.
EXCEPTION: Accessible ramps complying with 4.8 or, if no other alternative is feasible, accessible platform lifts complying with 4.11 may be used in lieu of an elevator.
(6) Windows. (Reserved).
(7) Doors:
(a) At each accessible entrance to a building or facility, at least one door shall comply with 4.13.
(b) Within a building or facility, at least one door at each accessible space shall comply with 4.13.
(c) Each door that is an element of an accessible route shall comply with 4.13.
(d) Each door required by 4.3.10, Egress, shall comply with 4.13.
EXCEPTION: In multiple-story buildings and facilities where at-grade egress from each floor is impossible, either of the following is permitted: the provision within each story of approved fire and smoke partitions that create horizontal exits, or, the provision within each floor of areas of refuge approved by agencies having authority for safety.
(8) At least one principal entrance at each grade floor level to a building or facility shall comply with 4.14, Entrances. When a building or facility has entrances which normally serve any of the following functions: transportation facilities, passenger loading zones, accessible parking facilities, taxi stands, public streets and sidewalks, or accessible interior vertical access, then at least one of the entrances serving each such function shall comply with 4.14, Entrances. Because entrances also serve as emergency exits, whose proximity to all parts of buildings and facilities is essential, it is preferable that all or most exits be accessible.
(9) If drinking fountains or water coolers are provided, approximately 50 percent of those provided on each floor shall comply with 4.15 and shall be on an accessible route. If only one drinking fountain or water cooler is provided on any floor, it shall comply with 4.15.
(10) If toilet facilities are provided, then each public and common use toilet room shall comply with 4.22. Other toilet rooms shall be adaptable. If bathing facilities are provided, then each public and common use bathroom shall comply with 4.23. Accessible toilet rooms and bathing facilities shall be on an accessible route.
(11) If storage facilities such as cabinets, shelves, closets, and drawers are provided in accessible spaces, at least one of each type provided shall contain storage space complying with 4.25. Additional storage may be provided outside of the dimensions shown in Fig 38.
Figure 38 Storage Shelves and Closets
(12) Controls and operating mechanisms in accessible spaces, along accessible routes, or as parts of accessible elements (for example, light switches and dispenser controls) shall comply with 4.27.
(13) If emergency warning systems are provided, then they shall include both audible alarms complying with 4.28.2 and visual alarms complying with 4.28.3. In facilities with sleeping accommodations, the sleeping accommodations shall have an alarm system complying with 4.28.4. Emergency warning systems in health care facilities may be modified to suit standard health care alarm design practice.
(14) Tactile warnings shall be provided at hazardous conditions as specified in 4.29.3.
(15) If signs are provided, they shall comply with 4.30.1, 4.30.2 and 4.30.3. In addition, permanent signage that identifies rooms and spaces shall also comply with 4.30.4 and 4.30.6.
EXCEPTION: The provisions of 4.30.4 are not mandatory for temporary information on room and space signage, such as current occupant's name, provided the permanent room or space identification complies with 4.30.4.
(16) Public telephones:
(a) If public telephones are provided, then accessible public telephones shall comply with 4.31, Telephones, and the following table:
Number of public telephones provided on each floor: | Number of telephones required to be accessible:* |
1 or more single unit installations | 1 per floor |
1 bank** |
1 per floor 1 per bank. |
2 or more banks** | Accessible unit may be installed as a single unit in proximity (either visible or with signage) to the bank. At least one public telephone per floor shall meet the requirements for a forward reach telephone.*** |
* Additional public telephones may be installed at any height. Unless otherwise specified, accessible telephones may be either forward or side reach telephones.
** A bank consists of two or more adjacent public telephones, often installed as a unit.
*** EXCEPTION: For exterior installations only, if dial tone first service is not available, then a side reach telephone may be installed instead of the required forward reach telephone (i.e., one telephone in proximity to each bank shall comply with 4.31).
(b) At least one of the public telephones complying with 4.31, Telephones, shall be equipped with a volume control. The installation of additional volume controls is encouraged, and these may be installed on any public telephone provided.
(17) If fixed or built-in seating, tables, or work surfaces are provided in accessible spaces, at least 5 percent, but always at least one, of seating spaces, tables, or work surfaces shall comply with 4.32.
(18) Assembly areas:
(a) If places of assembly are provided, they shall comply with the following table:
Capacity of Seating & Assembly Areas | Number of Required Wheelchair Locations |
50 to 75 | 3 |
76 to 100 | 4 |
101 to 150 | 5 |
151 to 200 | 6 |
201 to 300 | 7 |
301 to 400 | 8 |
401 to 500 | 9 |
501 to 1,000 | * |
over 1,000 | ** |
* 2 percent of total
** 20 plus 1 for each 100 over 1,000.
(b) Assembly areas with audio-amplification systems shall have a listening system complying with 4.33 to assist a reasonable number of people, but no fewer than two, with severe hearing loss. For assembly areas without amplification systems and for spaces used primarily as meeting and conference rooms, a permanently installed or portable listening system shall be provided. If portable systems are used for conference or meeting rooms, the system may serve more than one room.
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