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United States of America v. The International Spy Museum - Settlement Agreement

This document, portion of document or clip from legal proceedings may not represent all of the facts, documents, opinions, judgments or other information that is pertinent to this case. The entire case, including all court records, expert reports, etc. should be reviewed together and a qualified attorney consulted before any interpretation is made about how to apply this information to any specific circumstances.

30. The Museum may, in its discretion, choose to submit plans to the Department for any other alterations or new construction. The Department agrees to review and approve or disapprove any architectural and exhibition design plans submitted, in a timely manner, but no later than 30 business days after receipt of such plans. In the event the Department disapproves a plan and should the parties be unable to reach a resolution within 30 days of the date of the Department's written notification disapproving the plan, the Department may take steps it believes appropriate to enforce compliance with the ADA and its implementing regulation as provided in Section E.

31. Within thirty days of the effective date of this Agreement, as defined in Paragraph 45, the Museum shall designate or hire an ADA Compliance Officer and shall identify this individual to the Department. The Museum will ensure that the ADA Compliance Officer, at the Museum's expense, undergoes training on the requirements of title III as it applies to a Museum's obligations under the ADA no later than 60 days after appointment. The ADA Compliance Officer shall be responsible for handling disability-related complaints from the visitors to the Museum and for ensuring the Museum's compliance with the ADA.

32. Within 60 days of the effective date of this Agreement, the Museum shall train all first line supervisors and managers on the requirements of title III of the ADA as it applies to the Museum's obligations under the ADA. The Museum shall ensure that all newly hired supervisors and managers receive this training within thirty days of hire.

33. Within thirty days of the effective date of this Agreement, the Museum shall develop an ADA Complaint Resolution Policy to address ADA-related complaints by visitors to the Museum and shall provide a copy of the policy to the Department for review and approval or revision. This policy shall identify the ADA Compliance Officer, the procedure for filing complaints and the process by which complaints will be investigated and resolved. The Museum shall implement the policy within thirty days of approval.

34. The Museum shall provide a report annually to the Department, on the anniversary of the effective date of this Agreement, regarding its progress with respect to the completion of its responsibilities under Section D of this Agreement. The report shall identify and document (e.g., with copies of construction contracts, photographs and/or design drawings) the corrections that have been made, document any training of employees that has occurred (by date and the content of the training) and provide copies of any ADA-related policies that the Museum has adopted.


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