Outdoor Rinsing Showers
Outdoor showers permit people to rinse off sand, dirt, and debris. They are not intended for bathing. They generally don't offer privacy, and people usually are not permitted to disrobe when using them.
If outdoor rinsing showers are provided in a recreation site, provide at least one hand-held shower spray unit with a hose 59 inches (1,500 millimeters) long minimum. The hand-held shower spray must have at least one fixed position located 15 inches minimum (380 millimeters) and 48 inches (1,220 millimeters) maximum above the clear ground space. Because hand-held showerheads are vulnerable to vandalism and breakage, they are not a durable design choice for some recreation sites. In these cases, provide a low shower accessible to someone in a seated position and a high shower accessible to someone who is standing (figure 105). Both showers must meet the clear floor and ground space and outdoor recreation access route requirements that follow. For a low outdoor rinsing shower, mount a fixed showerhead 48 inches (1,220 millimeters) above the ground or floor. For a high outdoor rinsing shower, mount a fixed showerhead at least 72 inches (1,830 millimeters) above the ground or floor. If self-closing controls or operating mechanisms are used, the controls must remain open for at least 10 seconds.
Figure 105—The requirements for outdoor rinsing showers.
Each accessible outdoor rinsing shower must have a clear floor or ground space at least 60 inches by 60 inches (1,525 millimeters by 1,525 millimeters). Locate the clear space so that the shower pedestal or wall to which the showerhead is attached is at the center back of the clear space so that the water from the showerhead is directed toward the center of the clear space. The requirements for surface, slope, and openings in the clear space are the same as for other utilities. Accessible outdoor rising showers must be connected to the area's other major features by an outdoor recreation access route.
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