WILLITS, et al v. CITY OF LOS ANGELES - Notice of Proposed Settlement of Class Action Lawsuit
The settlement class includes all persons (including, without limitation, residents of and visitors to the City) with any mobility disability, who, at any time from the beginning of time through the thirty-year term of the Settlement Agreement: (1) accessed or attempted to access any sidewalks, intersections, crosswalks, streets, curbs, curb ramps, walkways, pedestrian rights of way, pedestrian undercrossings, pedestrian overcrossings, or other pedestrian pathways or walks owned, controlled or maintained by the City in whole or in part ("Pedestrian Facility"), but were impaired or unable to do so because a barrier or condition made the Pedestrian Facility not suitable or sufficient for use; or (2) allege that they would have accessed or attempted to access a Pedestrian Facility but they could not do so because a barrier or condition made the Pedestrian Facility not suitable or sufficient for use.
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