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"ADA Image Project" Book by Mary Lou Mobley, Now Available

Published: July 16, 2015 at 5:07AM

cover of  "ADA Image Project" Book by Mary Lou Mobley
Filled with artistic and powerful images by disability rights attorney and professional photographer, Mary Lou Mobley, the ADA Image Project book celebrates "the accomplishments of disability rights advocates."

From the store page: "Disability rights advocates deserve a heart-felt, meaningful tribute to their hard work. The ADA Image Project is that tribute. The images show people with disabilities doing things that were difficult or impossible before the Americans with Disabilities Act changed our nation’s culture. Each image represents a hard-fought victory. Each journey is narrated with authenticity. And behind each victory is a legion of advocates who fought hard to make it happen. This volume celebrates those advocates and their successes..."

Read more about Mary Lou Mobley by clicking here. (Editor's Note: We absolutely love her photographs! ...You may have noticed the similarities to Corada's home page images; those are also Mary Lou's work!)

This hard-cover book is now available for purchase for just $34.95 and is a must-have in this historic year of the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Click here to place an order!