Board to Release Next Installment of the Online Guide to the ADA and ABA Standards
Published: April 21, 2016 at 10:04AM
In May, the Board will release the next installment of its online guide to the ADA and the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) Accessibility Standards. This material will cover Chapter 5 of the standards (General Site and Building Elements) and address accessible parking, passenger loading zones, and stairways. Technical bulletins on these subjects will explain and illustrate requirements, answer common questions, and offer best practice recommendations. The installment also will include an animation on accessible parking and passenger loading zones.
The Guide to the ADA Standards covers design requirements for places of public accommodation, commercial facilities, and state and local government facilities covered by the ADA. The Guide to the ABA Standards addresses similar standards that apply under the ABA to facilities that are designed, constructed, altered, or leased with federal funds. Bulletins on the first four chapters of the standards are currently available, as are animations on wheelchair maneuvering, entrances and doors, toilet and bathing facilities, and protruding objects.
See also the Access Board's previous animations here in Corada, tagged with relevant references to other documents, products and videos!
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