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DOJ's New Document "ADA Title II Primer" Now in Corada

Published: June 10, 2015 at 3:06AM

Hot off the press! The Corada team has just input the newly-published "ADA Title II Primer" technical assistance document released by the Department of Justice yesterday.

Department of Justice seal
From the DOJ: The Department of Justice has published a new technical assistance document, ADA Update: A Primer for State and Local Governments, to help State and local government officials understand how title II of the ADA applies to their programs, activities, and services. This 16-page illustrated guide addresses general nondiscrimination requirements, such as provisions relating to program accessibility, service animals, communicating with people with disabilities, other power-driven mobility devices, and policies and procedures. The document also addresses how the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design apply to the built environment, including existing buildings and facilities, new construction, and alterations.