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Enter an Idea: TechSAge Design Competition 2016

Published: December 02, 2015 at 8:12PM

From the TechSAge website:

The TechSAge Design Competition 2016 seeks to inspire talented designers to develop innovative technology-enabled design solutions for the aging population. The TechSAge Design Competition 2016 is organized by the TechSAge Research Engineering Rehabilitation Center (RERC) and sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

This competition is framed within the mission of the RERC TechSAge, as follows:

  • To support people with chronic conditions and long-term impairments who are at risk of disability or increased disability due to comorbid age-related losses;
  • By empowering these individuals to sustain independence; maintain health; engage safely in basic activities at home and in the community; and fully participate in society;
  • Through increasing knowledge about, availability of, and access to effective, universally-designed technologies.

Why a competition? A competition can be an effective way to tap into a rich, diverse and collective design intelligence to address the current needs of our older adults. There is a need to identify excellence in design for aging to educate and encourage communities of interest to solve the problems the aging population face.

DEADLINE: January 15, 2016.

The TechSAge Design Competition 2016 categories are:

Proposing designed technology solutions for the home environment that support health and healthy activities in support to the healthcare system.

Proposing designed technology solutions to encourage communication, connectedness with people and social activities.

Proposing designed technology solutions to promote physical and cognitive activities, and how activities can promote healthy lifestyles.

Proposing designed technology solutions to facilitate access to activities and/or locations.

The TechSAge Design Competition 2016 focuses on inspiring innovative technology-enabled design solutions for the aging population and evaluate entry submissions that promote the following:

Proposing products and/or systems to empower older adults to take action in their lives. The goal is to overcome the concept of “taking care of” or “doing things for” and enabling older adults to take initiative, take care of and do things for their lives.

Proposing products and/or systems to build intergenerational, supported and connected communities. The goal is to develop bottom up approaches across generations that can help older adults have access to a community of care.

Proposing products and/or systems to have a successful effect and longevity in the aging population. The goal is to develop solutions that are feasible for implementation in the near future and more importantly, sustainable from the point of view of self-maintaining.

Proposing products and/or systems that are forward thinking and enablers. The goal is to celebrate the aging populating with creative, attractive and pervasive solutions that avoid physical, visual or experiential segregation.

Proposing products and/or systems that allow positive growth. The goal is to develop solutions that grow with the aging population and inspire them to do more and be more.

TechSAge Design Competition 2016 is a two-phase competition. Phase I selects 12 finalists for phase II, in which they receive monetary support for design development. Phase II selects 3 places across categories for cash awards as follows:

  • FIRST PLACE $1500
  • SECOND PLACE $1000
  • THIRD PLACE $500

Click here for more information about the TechSAge Design Competition 2016 Rules and Regulations.

Click here for more information about the RERC TechSAge.

RERC TechSAge research is funded by the Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Community Living (National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, 90RE5016-01-00).