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Equal Rights Center: Accessibility Rights Manager/Director

Published: May 24, 2019 at 1:05PM

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The ERC is hiring an Accessibility Rights Manager or Director. This position will be responsible for coordinating and conducting a variety of disability-related testing investigations.

Specific duties will include the following:

  • Design, coordinate, and project manage civil rights testing investigations relevant to issues impacting individuals with disabilities, including:
    • Complaint-based testing and systemic investigations focused on discrimination based on disability;
    • Site survey audits of third parties to assess compliance with the ADA and FHA Design and Construction standards.
  • Analyze investigative results and prepare written findings for referral to enforcement agencies and litigation counsel;
  • Work with legal counsel to the ERC on accessibility civil rights testing investigations requiring enforcement;
  • Conduct site surveys, compile results, and provide advice for corporate clients

To find more information and how to apply, visit the ERC site here