Play Video Games: Researchers Looking for Adolescents and Young Adults with SCI
Published: September 09, 2016 at 3:09AM
Now recruiting teens and young adults with spinal cord injury or dysfunction for a mobile gaming study on health management. Watch the Recruitment Video here!
STUDY: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Gaming to Enhance Self-Management of Adolescents and Young Adults with Spinal Cord Injury
Earn up to $100 for completing the study.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Michelle A. Meade
Coordinators: Mr. Brad Trumpower & Ms. Joanna Jennie
SCI-Hard puts you, the player, in the chair of someone with a Spinal Cord Injury. Introducing you to new challenges and obstacles all while trying to save the world from legions of mutated animals. Join the fight and kick a** while sitting down!
This study will evaluate the efficacy of a newly-developed serious game, SCI Hard, to enhance self-management skills, self-reported health behaviors, and quality of life among teens and young adults with spinal cord injury and disease (SCI/D).
The study makes a unique contribution to rehabilitation by emphasizing the concepts of personal responsibility and control over one’s health and life as a whole. By selecting an innovative approach for program implementation, we also attempt to address the high cost of care delivery and lack of health care access to underserved populations with SCI/D living across the United States.
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