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Play Video Games: Researchers Looking for Adolescents and Young Adults with SCI

Published: September 09, 2016 at 3:09AM

Collaboratory for technology, health and independence. University of Michigan.

Now recruiting teens and young adults with spinal cord injury or dysfunction for a mobile gaming study on health management. Watch the Recruitment Video here!

STUDY: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Gaming to Enhance Self-Management of Adolescents and Young Adults with Spinal Cord Injury

  • Earn up to $100 for completing the study.

  • Principal Investigator: Dr. Michelle A. Meade

  • Coordinators: Mr. Brad Trumpower & Ms. Joanna Jennie

SCI-Hard puts you, the player, in the chair of someone with a Spinal Cord Injury. Introducing you to new challenges and obstacles all while trying to save the world from legions of mutated animals. Join the fight and kick a** while sitting down!

This study will evaluate the efficacy of a newly-developed serious game, SCI Hard, to enhance self-management skills, self-reported health behaviors, and quality of life among teens and young adults with spinal cord injury and disease (SCI/D).

SCI Hardwas designed by the project PI, Dr. Meade, in collaboration with the UM3D Lab, between 2010 and 2013 with funding from a NIDRR Field Initiated Development Grant to assist persons with SCI develop and apply the necessary skills to keep their bodies healthy while managing the many aspects of SCI care.

The study makes a unique contribution to rehabilitation by emphasizing the concepts of personal responsibility and control over one’s health and life as a whole. By selecting an innovative approach for program implementation, we also attempt to address the high cost of care delivery and lack of health care access to underserved populations with SCI/D living across the United States.

Read more about the study here