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President Obama Appoints Two to the U.S. Access Board

Published: September 10, 2015 at 2:09PM

Earlier this month, the President appointed two new board members to the U.S. Access Board, Dr. Victor Santiago Pineda and Karen Tamley. He also reappointed three existing members. From the Access Board's website:

Dr. Victor Santiago Pineda
"Dr. Pineda is President of the World Enabled and the Pineda Foundation, positions he has held since founding the organizations in 2003.  He previously served as the Chancellor's Post-Doctoral Fellow for Academic Diversity and as an Adjunct Professor in City and Regional Planning at the University of California (UC), Berkeley.  He also was a Senior Research Fellow at the World Institute on Disability.




Karen Tamley
As Commissioner of the Chicago Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities, Tamley leads numerous disability policy and compliance initiatives in city infrastructure, transportation, emergency preparedness, housing, schools and technology, and other areas. She also oversees the delivery of independent living services to city residents and represents the city on a number of boards and committees."

Read more about the Access Board and it's members on their website.