"Structured Negotiation: A Winning Alternative to Lawsuits" Book by Lainey Feingold Now Available
Published: September 10, 2016 at 3:09AM
New Book Release Announced
From Ms. Feingold's website:
"From Walmart to Major League Baseball to the City and County of San Francisco, Lainey Feingold, her clients and co-counsel have convinced some of the nation’s largest organizations to deliver far reaching results. How she accomplished this without filing a single lawsuit is now the subject of a path-breaking new book. Titled Structured Negotiation, a Winning Alternative to Lawsuits, the book is a nuts and bolts guide for attorneys and advocates in all fields who want an effective new strategy to resolve legal claims.
Readers will learn:
- How to write an opening letter that invites participation;
- How to establish ground rules;
- How to hold collaborative meetings and bring in experts without discovery battles;
- How to give clients a meaningful role that respects their expertise and builds relationships."
How to Purchase
Feingold's book is available through the American Bar Association's online shop here. Use coupon code LFLEGAL10 to receive 10% off the purchase price.
The Corada Shop also lists the details of Feingold's book, but will not be a distributor. You can find our listing here.
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