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Trends in Employment Outcomes of Young Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Published: March 03, 2016 at 10:03AM

The University of Massachusetts Boston, Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) recently released a study called Trends in Employment Outcomes of Young Adults with Intellectual and Development Disabilities (PDF, 112 pages). The report was compiled by ThinkWork!, the hub for ICI's projects that promote integrated employment for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

The Report:

Data was collected from a random sample of individuals who received services from 30 state agencies that serve individuals with intellectual or development disabilities. In this report, they show the employment outcomes of adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities, ages 18–21 and 22–30, for the years 2010–2014, as provided by the Human Services Research Institute. The data collected includes:

1. Total reporting

2. Percentage in integrated employment

3. Percentage in individual employment

4. Two-week earnings (Adjusted for inflation)

5. Two-week work hours

The report also breaks the data down into individual states. For example, survey results for Ages 16-21 in California from 2006-2013:

Table showing survey results for Ages 16-21 in California from 2006-2013

(click the image to enlarge)

For more information:

Institute for Community Inclusion - University of Massachusetts Boston

100 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, MA 02125

