Corada Subscriptions as a Benefit of Membership to Partnering Professional Associations (06:20)
This Video is based on our interpretation of the 2010 ADA Standards. By utilizing this information, you assume responsibility for any loss, damage, or liability resulting from such use. The content of this video is provided for informational purposes only, may not address all of the unique facts and circumstances of your specific situation, and do not constitute architectural or legal advice or recommendations of any kind.
In this video, you will see the process of logging into and managing the Corada subscription you’ve received as a benefit of membership in your professional organization. We will cover accepting the invitation, logging in, and managing your account; for new users, registered users and existing Corada users that have already paid for a subscription.
Related Keywords
- ACTCP: ADA Coordinator Training Certification Program
- Association
- CASI: Certified Access Specialist Institute
- NAADAC: National Association of ADA Coordinators
- Trade Organization
- Using Corada
Related Section Numbers
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) about Corada, (2)
- FAQ: I am a member of a professional association that provides complimentary Corada subscriptions as a benefit of membership. Can I add on colleagues, co-workers or staff to my subscription at the organization's discounted rate?
- FAQ: If I am a member of more than one partnering associations, will I receive Corada account credit?
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