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Salsbury Industries Cell Phone Storage Lockers (02:40)

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRS3tH9rwLg

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This video explains different applications for the use of the Salsbury Industries cell phone storage lockers.

Salsbury Cell Phone Storage Lockers are commonly used in health clubs and athletic facilities where phones with camera are prohibited for privacy concerns.  Cell Phones are also discouraged on gym floors for security reasons given many members arrive with just their keys, wallets and cell phones.  High Security Location such as military bases and government facilities often times restrict recording devices.  Salsbury Cell Phone Lockers provide a convenient and secure method to store these items.  High schools and universities use cell phone storage lockers to prevent distractions such as taking pictures of tests, texting and other social media activities.  Cell Phone Storage Lockers are often used by employees to prevent distractions in conference rooms, retail floors, call centers and prevent interference with sensitive electronic equipment.

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