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James V. Vitale, AIA, LEED AP, CASp 007

Co-sharing of Accessible Parking access Aisles by adjacent elevator door allowed?

Professional Interpretation or Opinion

James V. Vitale, AIA, LEED AP, CASp 007 | March 10, 2019 at 8:03PM (edited)


  • Alterations & Path of travel

Type of entity:

  • ADA Covered Facilities

Project location: CA

Project date: March 11, 2019

Questions, Facts, and Assumptions:

Given: multistory parking structure circa 1980 with limited head height for vans

Issue: Can an elevator door open to and co-share/use an access aisle for an accessible parking  space?

           If not, why given that the door to the elevator is a slider whose users within the cab can view the access aisle. This is not addressed in ADASAD or CBC 11B.

Detailed Analysis:

Elevator Door adjacent to the side of access aisle for accessible parking:

Door is sliding

Door does not obstruct access aisle

Co-sharing of aisle is not mentioned in ADASAD or CBC 11B


Doing so does to obstruct the user of the accessible space as elevator users do not permanently occupy the space for driver to exit the vehicle, space remains available at all times.

Meets spirit of ADASAD for access while allowing shared use of the aisle.  


Accurate: N/A (0 votes)

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Message 2 of 2

Andrew Burke

Re: Co-sharing of Accessible Parking access Aisles by adjacent elevator door allowed?

General Comment or Question

Andrew Burke | April 04, 2019 at 4:04PM (edited)

Pedestrians in the elevator would be stepping directly into a vehicular way upon exiting the elevator cab.  How would you address the requirement for detectable warnings? Changes in level are not permitted in access aisles.


2016 CBC 11B-, 11B-502.4


Accurate: N/A (0 votes)

Helpful: N/A (0 votes)

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