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roger miller

Visually IMpaired Accessible Keypad Door Lock

General Comment or Question

roger miller | July 14, 2020 at 8:07PM (edited)

Ran into an interesting issue in a claim by a visually impaired plaintiff

The claim was that the push button keypad was not accessible for a visually impaired person - see attached photo of (E) touchpad

Did some research online and found a Yale key pad lock that claims to have a "Push button keypad option available for more tactile requirements, such as ADA compliance" Yale nexTouch™ Commercial Keypad Door Lock https://www.yalecommercial.com/en/products/access-control/nextouch-keypad-lock/

Best I can tell there is no reference in the CBC or the ADA Guidelines that applies (confirmed with the access board)

Thinking I will recommend that the owner obtain a keypad entry system that complies with 11B-707.9 Point of Sale Devices

Curious if anybody else has encountered this issue?


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