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Gregory Sun

Outdoor showers on a swimming pool deck, Title III entities

General Comment or Question

Re: 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design Pocket Guide / 213.3.6 Bathing Facilities

Gregory Sun | March 21, 2017 at 12:03PM (edited)

I have a new swimming pool project with two outdoor rinsing showers on the pool deck (owner is a Title III entity). I cannot find anything in the scoping requirements of the ADA Standards nor the CBC that require these to be accessible. 213.2 and 213.3 address scoping for "Bathing Rooms," but the deck showers are not in a room. (There are accessible showers in the locker/changing rooms serving the pool.) We would prefer not to install grab bars and a folding seat, but will provide accessible controls and shower heads.

Thanks to Corada, I found out about the ABA Accessibility Guidelines for Outdoor Developed Areas, which has specific guidelines for outdoor rinsing showers. But the ABA applies to Federal facilities, not Title III entities, correct? So, are Title III outdoor rinsing showers not covered by the ADA Stds. and CBC? If the local AHJ requires accessible outdoor rinsing showers, is it legitimate to use the ABA for guidance for a Title III pool? Or is the local AHJ able to require that outdoor rinsing showers comply with all requirements of 213.3.6?

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