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Note: Portions of this document or referenced document qualify for 2013 CBC Section 11B-202.4, Exception 2, and all or part of this information may only apply to California “Safe Harbored” elements addressed in that Exception.

11B-604.2 Location.

The water closet shall be positioned with a wall or partition to the rear and to one side. The centerline of the water closet shall be 17 inches (432 mm) minimum to 18 inches (457 mm) maximum from the side wall or partition, except that the water closet shall be 17 inches (432 mm) minimum and 19 inches (483 mm) maximum from the side wall or partition in the ambulatory accessible toilet compartment specified in Section 11B-604.8.2. Water closets shall be arranged for a left-hand or right-hand approach. 

[S.H. 1115B.4.1, Item 1]

[2010 ADAS] 604.2 Location.  The water closet shall be positioned with a wall or partition to the rear and to one side. The centerline of the water closet shall be 16 inches (405 mm) minimum to 18 inches (455 mm) maximum from the side wall or partition, except that the water closet shall be 17 inches (430 mm) minimum and 19 inches (485 mm) maximum from the side wall or partition in the ambulatory accessible toilet compartment specified in 604.8.2. Water closets shall be arranged for a left-hand or right-hand approach.

Figure (a) shows a wheelchair accessible water closet, with space on one side, and figure (b) shows an ambulatory accessible water closet, with stall walls and grab bars on both sides. The water closet centerline is shown to be 17 to 18 inches from the side wall in the wheelchair accessible water closet compartment and 17 to 19 inches from the side wall in the ambulatory accessible water closet compartment.

FIGURE 11B-604.2 ‡‡



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