2016 California Standards for Accessible Design Pocket Guide - Eff. Jan. 1, 2017
11B-503.3 Access aisle.
Passenger drop-off and loading zones shall provide access aisles complying with Section 11B-503 adjacent and parallel to the vehicle pull-up space. Access aisles shall adjoin an accessible route and shall not overlap the vehicular way.
FIGURE 11B-503.3 ‡‡
11B-503.3.1 Width.
Access aisles serving vehicle pull-up spaces shall be 60 inches (1524 mm) wide minimum.
11B-503.3.2 Length.
Access aisles shall extend the full length of the vehicle pull-up spaces they serve.
11B-503.3.3 Marking.
Access aisles shall be marked with a painted borderline around their perimeter. The area within the borderlines shall be marked with hatched lines a maximum of 36 inches (914 mm) on center in a color contrasting with that of the aisle surface.
[2010 ADAS] 503.3.3 Marking. Access aisles shall be marked so as to discourage parking in them.
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