2019 California Standards for Accessible Design Guide (effective January 1, 2020 with July 1, 2021 amendments)
11B-1008 Play areas
11B-1008.2 Accessible routes.
Accessible routes serving play areas shall comply with Division 4 and Section 11B-1008.2 and shall be permitted to use the exceptions in Sections 11B-1008.2.1 through 11B-1008.2.3. Where accessible routes serve ground level play components, the vertical clearance shall be 80 inches (2032 mm) high minimum.
11B-1008.2.1 Ground level and elevated play components.
Accessible routes serving ground level play components and elevated play components shall be permitted to use the exceptions in Section 11B-1008.2.1.
- Transfer systems complying with Section 11B-1008.3 shall be permitted to connect elevated play components except where 20 or more elevated play components are provided no more than 25 percent of the elevated play components shall be permitted to be connected by transfer systems.
- Where transfer systems are provided, an elevated play component shall be permitted to connect to another elevated play component as part of an accessible route.
11B-1008.2.2 Soft contained play structures.
Accessible routes serving soft contained play structures shall be permitted to use the exception in Section 11B-1008.2.2.
Exception: Transfer systems complying with Section 11B-1008.3 shall be permitted to be used as part of an accessible route.
11B-1008.2.3 Water play components.
Accessible routes serving water play components shall be permitted to use the exceptions in Section 11B-1008.2.3.
- Where the surface of the accessible route, clear floor or ground spaces, or turning spaces serving water play components is submerged, compliance with Sections 11B-302, 11B-403.3, 11B-405.2, 11B-405.3, and 11B-1008.2.6 shall not be required.
- Transfer systems complying with Section 11B-1008.3 shall be permitted to connect elevated play components in water.
11B-1008.2.4 Clear width.
Accessible routes connecting play components shall provide a clear width complying with Section 11B-1008.2.4.
11B-1008.2.4.1 Ground level.
At ground level, the clear width of accessible routes shall be 60 inches (1524 mm) minimum.
- In play areas less than 1000 square feet (93 m2), the clear width of accessible routes shall be permitted to be 44 inches (1118 mm) minimum, if at least one turning space complying with Section 11B-304.3 is provided where the restricted accessible route exceeds 30 feet (9144 mm) in length.
- The clear width of accessible routes shall be permitted to be 36 inches (914 mm) minimum for a distance of 60 inches (1524 mm) maximum provided that multiple reduced width segments are separated by segments that are 60 inches (1524 mm) wide minimum and 60 inches (1524 mm) long minimum.
11B-1008.2.4.2 Elevated.
The clear width of accessible routes connecting elevated play components shall be 36 inches (914 mm) minimum.
- The clear width of accessible routes connecting elevated play components shall be permitted to be reduced to 32 inches (813 mm) minimum for a distance of 24 inches (610 mm) maximum provided that reduced width segments are separated by segments that are 48 inches (1219 mm) long minimum and 36 inches (914 mm) wide minimum.
- The clear width of transfer systems connecting elevated play components shall be permitted to be 24 inches (610 mm) minimum.
11B-1008.2.5 Ramps.
Within play areas, ramps connecting ground level play components and ramps connecting elevated play components shall comply with Section 11B-1008.2.5.
11B-1008.2.5.1 Ground level.
Ramp runs connecting ground level play components shall have a running slope not steeper than 1:16.
11B-1008.2.5.2 Elevated.
The rise for any ramp run connecting elevated play components shall be 12 inches (305 mm) maximum.
ETA Editor's Note
The above restrictions on ramp slope for ramps connecting ground level play components, and on ramp rise for ramps connecting elevated play components, are more stringent than the ramp slope and rise restrictions prescribed at CBC 11B-405.2 and 11B-405.6, and at 2010 ADA Standards 405.2 and 405.6.
11B-1008.2.5.3 Handrails.
Where required on ramps serving play components, the handrails shall comply with Section 11B-505 except as modified by Section 11B-1008.2.5.3.
11B-1008. Handrail gripping surfaces.
Handrail gripping surfaces with a circular cross section shall have an outside diameter of 0.95 inch (24 mm) minimum and 1.55 inches (39 mm) maximum. Where the shape of the gripping surface is non-circular, the handrail shall provide an equivalent gripping surface.
11B-1008. Handrail height.
The top of handrail gripping surfaces shall be 20 inches (508 mm) minimum and 28 inches (711 mm) maximum above the ramp surface.
11B-1008.2.6 Ground surfaces.
Ground surfaces on accessible routes, clear floor or ground spaces, and turning spaces shall comply with Section 11B-1008.2.6.
11B-1008.2.6.1 Accessibility.
Ground surfaces shall comply with ASTM F 1951. Ground surfaces shall be inspected and maintained regularly and frequently to ensure continued compliance with ASTM F 1951.
11B-1008.2.6.2 Use zones.
Ground surfaces located within use zones shall comply with ASTM F 1292 (1999 edition or 2004 edition).
11B-1008.3 Transfer systems.
Where transfer systems are provided to connect to elevated play components, transfer systems shall comply with Section 11B-1008.3.
11B-1008.3.1 Transfer platforms.
Transfer platforms shall be provided where transfer is intended from wheelchairs or other mobility aids. Transfer platforms shall comply with Section 11B-1008.3.1.
11B-1008.3.1.1 Size.
Transfer platforms shall have level surfaces 14 inches (356 mm) deep minimum and 24 inches (610 mm) wide minimum.
11B-1008.3.1.2 Height.
The height of transfer platforms shall be 11 inches (279 mm) minimum and 18 inches (457 mm) maximum measured to the top of the surface from the ground or floor surface.
11B-1008.3.1.3 Transfer space.
A transfer space complying with Sections 11B-305.2 and 11B-305.3 shall be provided adjacent to the transfer platform. The 48 inch (1219 mm) long minimum dimension of the transfer space shall be centered on and parallel to the 24 inch (610 mm) long minimum side of the transfer platform. The side of the transfer platform serving the transfer space shall be unobstructed.
11B-1008.3.1.4 Transfer supports.
At least one means of support for transferring shall be provided.
11B-1008.3.2 Transfer steps.
Transfer steps shall be provided where movement is intended from transfer platforms to levels with elevated play components required to be on accessible routes. Transfer steps shall comply with Section 11B-1008.3.2.
11B-1008.3.2.1 Size.
Transfer steps shall have level surfaces 14 inches (356 mm) deep minimum and 24 inches (610 mm) wide minimum.
11B-1008.3.2.2 Height.
Each transfer step shall be 8 inches (203 mm) high maximum.
11B-1008.3.2.3 Transfer supports.
At least one means of support for transferring shall be provided.
11B-1008.3.2.4 Contrasting stripe.
Striping complying with Section 11B-504.4.1 shall be provided at each transfer step.
11B-1008.4 Play components.
Ground level play components on accessible routes and elevated play components connected by ramps shall comply with Section 11B-1008.4.
11B-1008.4.1 Turning space.
At least one turning space complying with Section 11B-304 shall be provided on the same level as play components. Where swings are provided, the turning space shall be located immediately adjacent to the swing.
11B-1008.4.2 Clear floor or ground space.
Clear floor or ground space complying with Sections 11B-305.2 and 11B-305.3 shall be provided at play components.
When designing play components with manipulative or interactive features, consider appropriate reach ranges for children seated in wheelchairs. The following table provides guidance on reach ranges for children seated in wheelchairs. These dimensions apply to either forward or side reaches. The reach ranges are appropriate for use with those play components that children seated in wheelchairs may access and reach. Where transfer systems provide access to elevated play components, the reach ranges are not appropriate. ◼
[2010 ADA Standards] Children's Reach Ranges
Forward or Side Reach |
Ages 3 and 4 | Ages 5 through 8 |
Ages 9 through 12 |
High (maximum) |
36 in (915 mm) |
40 in (1015 mm) |
44 in (1120 mm) |
Low (minimum) |
20 in (510 mm) |
18 in (455 mm) |
16 in (405 mm) |
11B-1008.4.3 Play tables.
Where play tables are provided, knee clearance 24 inches (610 mm) high minimum, 17 inches deep (432 mm) minimum, and 30 inches (762 mm) wide minimum shall be provided. The tops of rims, curbs, or other obstructions shall be 31 inches (787 mm) high maximum.
Exception: Play tables designed and constructed primarily for children 5 years and younger shall not be required to provide knee clearance where the clear floor or ground space required by Section 11B-1008.4.2 is arranged for a parallel approach.
11B-1008.4.4 Entry points and seats.
Where play components require transfer to entry points or seats, the entry points or seats shall be 11 inches (279 mm) minimum and 24 inches (610 mm) maximum from the clear floor or ground space.
Exception: Entry points of slides shall not be required to comply with Section 11B-1008.4.4.
11B-1008.4.5 Transfer supports.
Where play components require transfer to entry points or seats, at least one means of support for transferring shall be provided.
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