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Note: This document or portion of document references a state or local code that is stricter than the 2010 ADA Standards requires.

11B-206.4 Entrances.

Entrances shall be provided in accordance with Section 11B-206.4. Entrance doors, doorways, and gates shall comply with Section 11B-404 and shall be on an accessible route complying with Section 11B-402.


1. Reserved.

[2010 ADA Standards] 1. Where an alteration includes alterations to an entrance, and the building or facility has another entrance complying with 404 that is on an accessible route, the altered entrance shall not be required to comply with 206.4 unless required by 202.4.

2. Reserved.

[2010 ADA Standards] 2. Where exceptions for alterations to qualified historic buildings or facilities are permitted by 202.5, no more than one public entrance shall be required to comply with 206.4. Where no public entrance can comply with 206.4 under criteria established in 202.5 Exception, then either an unlocked entrance not used by the public shall comply with 206.4; or a locked entrance complying with 206.4 with a notification system or remote monitoring shall be provided.

ETA Editor's Note

The ADA requirements included in Section 11B-206.4 Exceptions are provided for information only. Lacking these Exceptions, the CBC scoping requirements are more inclusive.

11B-206.4.1 Entrances.

All entrances shall comply with Section 11B-404.

[2010 ADA Standards] 206.4.1 Public Entrances. In addition to entrances required by 206.4.2 through 206.4.9, at least 60 percent of all public entrances shall comply with 404.

ETA Editor's Note

The ADA requirements included in Subsection 11B-206.4.1 are provided for information. While the CBC scoping requirements are more inclusive in most cases, there are rare scenarios under which the ADA scoping requirements become more inclusive (e.g., if more than 40 percent of Public Entrances are more than 24 inches above grade).

11B-206.4.2 Parking structure entrances.

Where direct access is provided for pedestrians from a parking structure to a building or facility entrance, each direct access to the building or facility entrance shall comply with Section 11B-404.

11B-206.4.3 Entrances from tunnels or elevated walkways.

Where direct access is provided for pedestrians from a pedestrian tunnel or elevated walkway to a building or facility, all entrances to the building or facility from each tunnel or walkway shall comply with Section 11B-404.

[2010 ADA Standards] 206.4.3 Entrances from Tunnels or Elevated Walkways. Where direct access is provided for pedestrians from a pedestrian tunnel or elevated walkway to a building or facility, at least one direct entrance to the building or facility from each tunnel or walkway shall comply with 404.

ETA Editor's Note

The ADA requirements included in Subsection 11B-206.4.3 are provided for information only. The CBC scoping requirements are more inclusive.

11B-206.4.4 Transportation facilities.

In addition to the requirements of Sections 11B-206.4.2, 11B-206.4.3, and 11B-206.4.5 through 11B-206.4.9, transportation facilities shall provide entrances in accordance with Section 11B-206.4.4.

11B- Location.

In transportation facilities, where different entrances serve different transportation fixed routes or groups of fixed routes, entrances serving each fixed route or group of fixed routes shall comply with Section 11B-404.

[2010 ADA Standards] Location. In transportation facilities, where different entrances serve different transportation fixed routes or groups of fixed routes, at least one public entrance serving each fixed route or group of fixed routes shall comply with 404.

Exception: Entrances to key stations and existing intercity rail stations retrofitted in accordance with 49 CFR 37.49 or 49 CFR 37.51 shall not be required to comply with Section 11B-

11B- Direct connections.

Direct connections to other facilities shall provide an accessible route complying with Section 11B-404 from the point of connection to boarding platforms and all transportation system elements required to be accessible. Any elements provided to facilitate future direct connections shall be on an accessible route connecting boarding platforms and all transportation system elements required to be accessible.

Exception: In key stations and existing intercity rail stations, existing direct connections shall not be required to comply with Section 11B-404.

11B- Key stations and intercity rail stations.

Key stations and existing intercity rail stations required by Subpart C of 49 CFR part 37 to be altered, shall have entrances complying with Section 11B-404.

[2010 ADA Standards] Key Stations and Intercity Rail Stations. Key stations and existing intercity rail stations required by Subpart C of 49 CFR part 37 to be altered, shall have at least one entrance complying with 404.

ETA Editor's Note

The ADA requirements included in Subsection 11B-206.4.4 are provided for information only. The CBC scoping requirements are more inclusive.

11B-206.4.5 Tenant spaces.

All entrances to each tenancy in a facility shall comply with Section 11B-404.

[2010 ADA Standards] 206.4.5 Tenant Spaces. At least one accessible entrance to each tenancy in a facility shall comply with 404.

Exception: Self-service storage facilities not required to comply with Section 11B-225.3 shall not be required to be on an accessible route.

ETA Editor's Note

The ADA requirements included in Subsection 11B-206.4.5 are provided for information only. The CBC scoping requirements are more inclusive.

11B-206.4.7 Restricted entrances.

Where restricted entrances are provided to a building or facility, all restricted entrances to the building or facility shall comply with Section 11B-404.

[2010 ADA Standards] 206.4.7 Restricted Entrances. Where restricted entrances are provided to a building or facility, at least one restricted entrance to the building or facility shall comply with 404.

ETA Editor's Note

The ADA requirements included in Subsection 11B-206.4.7 are provided for information only. The CBC scoping requirements are more inclusive.

11B-206.4.8 Service entrances.

If a service entrance is the only entrance to a building or to a tenancy in a facility, that entrance shall comply with Section 11B-404. In existing buildings and facilities, a service entrance shall not be the sole accessible entrance unless it is the only entrance to a building or facility.

[2010 ADA Standards] 206.4.8 Service Entrances. If a service entrance is the only entrance to a building or to a tenancy in a facility, that entrance shall comply with 404.

ETA Editor's Note

The ADA requirements included in Subsection 11B-206.4.8 are provided for information only. The CBC scoping requirements are more inclusive for alterations.

11B-206.4.9 Entrances for inmates or detainees.

Where entrances used only by inmates or detainees and security personnel are provided at judicial facilities, detention facilities, or correctional facilities, at least one such entrance shall comply with Section 11B-404.

11B-206.4.10 Medical care and long-term care facilities.

Weather protection by a canopy or roof overhang shall be provided at a minimum of one accessible entrance to licensed medical care and licensed long-term care facilities where the period of stay may exceed twenty-four hours. The area of weather protection shall include the passenger loading zone complying with Section 11B-209.3 and the accessible route from the passenger loading zone to the accessible entrance it serves.

DSA icon
Advisory 11B-206.4.10 Medical care and long-term care facilities. The purpose of this requirement is to permit a person to exit a vehicle and enter the building under cover. This section requires a covered entrance incorporating an accessible passenger drop-off and loading zone which must also be covered. ◼ 

ETA Editor's Note

The Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD), which has jurisdiction over hospitals and long-term care facilities in California, issued Code Application Notice CAN 2-11B, dated 9/9/14, which includes the following interpretation of Subsection 11B-206.4.10:  

Section 11B-206.4.10 requires a minimum of one accessible entrance to be provided with weather protection, passenger loading zone, and vehicle pull-up space. The code does not require more than one entrance with these features.

  1. The protected accessible entrance is not required to be the primary entrance to the facility.
  2. Only the passenger loading zone is required to be protected from the weather. The vehicle pull-up space is not required to be protected from the weather.
  3. For existing buildings that do not have a protected accessible entrance, projects subject to Section 11B-202 are not required to provide one. A protected accessible entrance is required when an addition is proposed for a facility that does not have an existing accessible entrance. The protected accessible entrance may be provided at the addition or at an appropriate location in the existing building.

At hospitals and long-term care facilities, 1991 ADAAG required an accessible entrance protected from the weather, incorporating a passenger loading zone. This requirement is no longer present in 2010 ADA Standards. Neither ADA nor CBC provide a definition for passenger loading zone. It seems evident that, where OSHPD uses the term "passenger loading zone" at Item 2 of its interpretation, it is referring to the access aisle, as described at Section 11B-503.3.

As of the initial publication of this Guide, OSHPD has not updated CAN 2-11B for applicability to 2022 CBC. Since there is no change to the wording of Subsection 11B-206.4.10, there is no reason to expect that OSHPD will change its interpretation. 


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