2022 California Standards for Accessible Design Guide (effective January 1, 2023)
11B-809.2 Accessible routes.
Accessible routes complying with Division 4 shall be provided within residential dwelling units in accordance with Section 11B-809.2.
Exception: Accessible routes shall not be required to or within unfinished attics or unfinished basements.
11B-809.2.1 Location.
At least one accessible route shall connect all spaces and elements which are a part of the residential dwelling unit. Where only one accessible route is provided, it shall not pass through bathrooms, closets, or similar spaces.
11B-809.2.2 Turning space.
All rooms served by an accessible route shall provide a turning space complying with Section 11B-304.
Exception: Turning space shall not be required in exterior spaces 30 inches (762 mm) maximum in depth or width.
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