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28 CFR Part 35 Title II Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) - Preamble (published 2008)

Note: This NPRM preamble is part of the Corada Archives, as it was originally published to the Federal Register in 2008.


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Throughout this NPRM, the current, legally enforceable ADA Standards will be referred to as the "1991 Standards."  28 CFR part 36, App. A, 56 FR 35544 (July 26, 1991), modified in part 59 FR 2674 (Jan. 18, 1994).  The Access Board's 2004 revised guidelines will be referred to as the "2004 ADAAG." 69 FR 44084 (July 23, 2004), as amended (editorial changes only) at 70 FR 45283 (Aug. 5, 2005).  The revisions now proposed in the NPRM, based on the 2004 ADAAG, are referred to in the preamble as the "proposed standards." 

In performing the required periodic review of its existing regulations, the Department has reviewed its title II regulation section by section, and, as a result, proposes several clarifications and amendments in this NPRM.  In addition, the Department's initial, formal benefit-cost analysis dealing with the Department's NPRMs for both titles II and III is included in this NPRM.  See E.O. 12866, 58 FR 51735 (Sept. 30, 1993), amended by E.O. 13258, 67 FR 9385 (Feb. 26, 2002), and E.O. 13422, 72 FR 2763 (Jan. 18, 2007); 5 U.S.C. 601, 603, 610(a); and OMB Circular A-4, http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars/a004/a-4.pdf. The NPRM was submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, for review and approval prior to publication in the Federal Register.   


On July 26, 1990, President George H. W. Bush signed into law the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq., a comprehensive civil rights law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of disability.  At the beginning of his administration, President George W. Bush underscored the nation's commitment to ensuring the rights of over 50 million individuals with disabilities nationwide by announcing the New Freedom Initiative (available at http://www.whitehouse.gov/infocus/newfreedom).  The Access Board's publication of the 2004 ADAAG is the culmination of a long-term effort to facilitate ADA compliance and enforcement by eliminating, to the extent possible, inconsistencies among federal accessibility requirements and between federal accessibility requirements and state and local building codes.  In support of this effort, the Department is announcing its intention to adopt standards consistent with Parts I and III of the 2004 ADAAG as the ADA Standards for Accessible Design.  To facilitate this process, the Department is seeking public comment on the issues discussed in this notice.

The ADA and Department of Justice Regulations

The ADA broadly protects the rights of individuals with disabilities in employment, access to state and local government services, places of public accommodation, transportation, and other important areas of American life and, in addition, requires newly designed and constructed or altered state and local government facilities, public accommodations, and commercial facilities to be readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities.  42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.  Under the ADA, the Department is responsible for issuing regulations to implement title II and title III of the Act, except to the extent that transportation providers subject to title II or title III are regulated by the Department of Transportation.  Id. at 12134.

The Department is also proposing amendments to its title III regulation, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in public accommodations and commercial facilities, published concurrently with the publication of this NPRM, in this issue of the Federal Register.

Title II applies to state and local government entities, and, in Subtitle A, protects qualified individuals with disabilities from discrimination on the basis of disability in services, programs, and activities provided by state and local government entities.  Title II extends the prohibition of discrimination established by section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C. 794 (section 504), to all activities of state and local governments regardless of whether these entities receive federal financial assistance.  42 U.S.C. 12131-65.       

On July 26, 1991, the Department issued its final rules implementing title II and title III, which are codified at 28 CFR part 35 (title II) and part 36 (title III).  Appendix A of the title III regulation, at 28 CFR part 36, contains the current 1991 Standards, which were based upon the version of ADAAG published by the Access Board on the same date.  Under the current regulation, title II entities are required to comply either with the 1991 Standards or with the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS), 41 CFR part 101-19.6, App. A--which many public entities were accustomed to following under section 504--with respect to newly constructed or altered facilities.

Relationship to Other Laws

The Department of Justice regulation implementing title II, 28 CFR § 35.103, provides:

(a) Rule of interpretation. Except as otherwise provided in this part, this part shall not be construed to apply a lesser standard than the standards applied under title V of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. 791 et seq., or the regulations issued by federal agencies pursuant to that title.

(b) Other laws. This part does not invalidate or limit the remedies, rights, and procedures of any other federal, state or local laws (including state common law) that provide greater or equal protection for the rights of individuals with disabilities or individuals associated with them.

Nothing in this proposed rule will alter this relationship. The Department recognizes that public entities subject to title II of the ADA may also be subject to title I of the ADA, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in employment, section 504, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in the programs and activities of recipients of federal financial assistance, and other federal statutes such as the Air Carrier Access Act, 49 U.S.C. 41705, and the Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.  Compliance with the Department's regulations under the ADA does not necessarily ensure compliance with other federal statutes.  Public entities that are subject both to the Department's regulations and to regulations published by other federal agencies must ensure that they comply with the requirements of both regulations.  If there is a direct conflict between the regulations, the regulation that provides greater accessibility will prevail. When different statutes apply to entities that routinely interact, each entity must follow the regulation that specifically applies to it.  For example, a public airport is a title II facility that houses air carriers subject to the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA).  The public airport operator would comply with the title II requirements, not with the ACAA requirements.  Conversely, the air carrier is required to comply with the ACAA, not with the ADA.

In addition, public entities (including AMTRAK) that provide public transportation services that are subject to subtitle B of title II should be reminded that the Department's regulation, at 28 CFR § 35.102, provides that -

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, this part applies to all services, programs, and activities provided or made available by public entities.

(b) To the extent that public transportation services, programs, and activities of public entities are covered by subtitle B of title II of the ADA, 42 U.S.C. 12141, they are not subject to the requirements of this part.

Nothing in this proposed rule alters that provision.  To the extent that the public transportation services, programs, and activities of public entities are covered by subtitle B of title II of the ADA, they are subject to the regulation of the Department of Transportation (DOT) at 49 CFR part 37 and are not covered by this proposed rule.  Matters not covered by subtitle B are covered by this rule.  In addition, activities not specifically addressed by DOT's ADA regulation may be covered by DOT's regulation implementing section 504 for its federally assisted programs and activities at 49 CFR part 27.  Like other programs of public entities that are also recipients of federal financial assistance, those programs would be covered by both the section 504 regulation and this part.  Airports operated by public entities are not subject to DOT's ADA regulation, but they are subject to subpart A of title II and to this rule.

The Roles of the Access Board and the Department of Justice

The Access Board was established by section 502 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. 792.  The Board consists of thirteen public members appointed by the President, of whom the majority must be individuals with disabilities, and the heads of twelve federal departments and agencies specified by statute, including the heads of the Department of Justice and the Department of Transportation.  Originally, the Access Board was established to develop and maintain accessibility guidelines for federally funded facilities under the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 (ABA), 42 U.S.C. 4151 et seq.  The passage of the ADA expanded the Access Board's responsibilities.  The ADA requires the Access Board to "issue minimum guidelines that shall supplement the existing Minimum Guidelines and Requirements for Accessible Design for purposes of subchapters II and III of this chapter . . . to ensure that buildings, facilities, rail passenger cars, and vehicles are accessible, in terms of architecture and design, transportation, and communication, to individuals with disabilities."  42 U.S.C. 12204. The ADA requires the Department to issue regulations that include enforceable accessibility standards applicable to facilities subject to title II or title III that are consistent with the minimum guidelines issued by the Access Board.  Id. at 12134, 12186.

The Department was extensively involved in the development of the 2004 ADAAG.  As a federal member of the Access Board, the Attorney General's representative voted to approve the revised guidelines. Although the enforceable standards issued by the Department under title II and title III must be consistent with the minimum guidelines published by the Access Board, it is the responsibility solely of the Attorney General to promulgate standards and to interpret and enforce those standards.                                                                   

The ADA also requires the Department to develop regulations with respect to existing facilities subject to title II (Subtitle A) and title III.  How and to what extent the Access Board's guidelines are used with respect to the readily achievable barrier removal requirement applicable to existing facilities under title III of the ADA and to the provision of program accessibility under title II of the ADA are solely within the discretion of the Department of Justice.

The Revised Guidelines (2004 ADAAG)

Part I of the 2004 ADAAG provides so-called "scoping" requirements for facilities subject to the ADA; "scoping" is a term used in the 2004 ADAAG to describe requirements (set out in Parts I and II) that prescribe what elements and spaces--and, in some cases, how many of them--must comply with the technical specifications. Part II provides scoping requirements for facilities subject to the ABA (i.e., facilities designed, built, altered, or leased with federal funds).  Part III provides uniform technical specifications for facilities subject to either statute. This revised format is designed to eliminate unintended conflicts between the two federal accessibility standards and to minimize conflicts between the federal regulations and the model codes that form the basis of many state and local building codes.

The revised 2004 ADAAG is the culmination of a ten-year effort to improve ADA compliance and enforcement.  In 1994, the Access Board began the process of updating the original ADAAG by establishing an advisory committee composed of members of the design and construction industry, the building code community, state and local government entities, and individuals with disabilities.  In 1999, based largely on the report and recommendations of the advisory committee,[1] the Access Board issued a proposed rule to jointly update and revise its ADA and ABA accessibility guidelines.  64 FR 62248 (Nov. 16, 1999).  In response to its rule, the Access Board received more than 2,500 comments from individuals with disabilities, affected industries, state and local governments, and others. The Access Board provided further opportunity for participation by holding public hearings throughout the nation.  The Access Board worked vigorously from the beginning to harmonize the ADA and ABA Accessibility Guidelines with industry standards and model codes that form the basis for many state and local building codes.  The Access Board released an interim draft of its guidelines to the public on April 2, 2002, 67 FR 15509, in order to provide an opportunity for entities with model codes to consider amendments that would promote further harmonization.  By the date of its final publication on July 23, 2004, 69 FR 44084, the 2004 ADAAG had been the subject of extraordinary public participation and review.

In addition, the Access Board amended the ADAAG four times since 1998.  In 1998, it added specific guidelines on state and local government facilities, 63 FR 2000 (Jan. 13, 1998), and building elements designed for use by children, 63 FR 2060 (Jan. 13, 1998).  Subsequently, the Access Board added specific guidelines on play areas, 65 FR 62498 (Oct. 18, 2000), and on recreation facilities, 67 FR 56352 (Sept. 3, 2002).

These amendments to the ADAAG have not previously been adopted by the Department as ADA Standards. Through this NPRM, the Department is announcing its intention to publish a proposed rule that will adopt revised ADA Standards consistent with the 2004 ADAAG, including all of the amendments to the ADAAG since 1998.

[1] After a two-year process of collaboration with the Access Board, the Advisory Committee issued its Recommendations for a New ADAAG in September 1996, available at http://www.access-board.gov/pubs.htm.

The Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

The Department published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) regarding its ADA regulation on September 30, 2004, 69 FR 58768, for two reasons:  (1) to begin the process of adopting the Access Board's 2004 ADAAG by soliciting public input on issues relating to the potential application of the Access Board's revisions once the Department adopts them as revised standards; and (2) to request background information that would assist the Department in preparing a regulatory analysis under the guidance provided in OMB Circular A-4, http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars/a004/a-4.pdf, Sections D (Analytical Approaches) and E (Identifying and Measuring Benefits and Costs).  While underscoring that the Department, as a member of the Access Board, had already reviewed comments provided to the Access Board during its development of the 2004 ADAAG, the Department specifically requested public comment on the potential application of the 2004 ADAAG to existing facilities. The extent to which the 2004 ADAAG is used with respect to the program access requirement in title II (like the readily achievable barrier removal requirement applicable to existing facilities under title III) is solely within the discretion of the Department.  The ANPRM dealt with the Department's responsibilities under both title II and title III.

Public response to the ANPRM was extraordinary. The Department extended the comment deadline by four months at the public's request.  70 FR 2992 (Jan. 19, 2005).  By the end of the extended comment period, the Department had received more than 900 comments covering a broad range of issues.  Most of the comments responded to questions specifically posed by the Department, including issues involving the application of the 2004 ADAAG once the Department adopts it, and cost information to assist the Department in its regulatory assessment.  The public provided information on how to assess the cost of compliance by small entities, office buildings, hotels and motels, assembly areas, hospitals and long-term care facilities, residential units, recreational facilities, and play areas.  Comments addressed the effective date of the proposed standards, the triggering event by which the effective date is measured in new construction, and variations on a safe harbor, which would excuse elements in compliance with the 1991 Standards from compliance with the proposed standards.  Comments responded to questions regarding elements scoped for the "first time" in the 2004 ADAAG, including detention and correctional facilities, recreational facilities and play areas, as well as proposed additions to the Department's regulation for items such as free-standing equipment.  Comments also dealt with the specific requirements of the 2004 ADAAG.

Many commenters requested clarification of or changes to the Department's title II regulation.  Commenters observed that now, more than seventeen years after the enactment of the ADA, as facilities are becoming physically accessible to individuals with disabilities, the Department needs to focus on second-generation issues that ensure individuals with disabilities actually gain access to the accessible elements.  So, for example, commenters asked the Department to focus on such issues as ticketing in assembly areas and reservations of boat slips.  The public asked about captioning and the division of responsibility between the Department and the Access Board for fixed and non-fixed (or free-standing) equipment.  Finally, commenters asked for clarification on some issues in the existing regulations, such as title III's requirements regarding service animals.

All of the issues raised in the public comments are addressed, in turn, in this NPRM or in the NPRM for title III.  Issues involving title III of the ADA, such as readily achievable barrier removal, are addressed in the NPRM for title III, published concurrently with this NPRM in this issue of the Federal Register.

Background (SBREFA, Regulatory Flexibility Act, and Executive Order) Reviews

The Department must provide two types of assessments as part of its NPRM:  an analysis of the benefits and costs of adopting the 2004 ADAAG as its proposed standards, and a periodic review of its existing regulations to consider their impact on small entities, including small businesses, small nonprofit organizations, and small governmental jurisdictions.  E.O. 12866, 58 FR 51735 (Sept. 30, 1993), as amended by E.O. 13258, 67 FR 9385 (Feb. 26, 2002) and E.O. 13422, 72 FR 2763 (Jan. 18, 2007); Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, 5 U.S.C. 601, 603, as amended by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (SBREFA), 5 U.S.C. 610(a); OMB Circular A-4; and E.O. 13272, 67 FR 53461 (Aug. 13, 2002). 

The Department leaves open the possibility that, as a result of the receipt of comments on an issue raised by the 2004 ADAAG, or if the Department's Regulatory Impact Analysis reveals that the costs of making a particular feature or facility accessible are disproportionate to the benefits to persons with disabilities, the Attorney General, as a member of the Access Board, may return the issue to the Access Board for further consideration of the particular feature or facility.  In such a case, the Department would delay adoption of the accessibility requirement for the particular feature or facility in question in its final rule and await Access Board action before moving to consider any final action.

Regulatory Impact Analysis.

An initial regulatory impact analysis of the benefits and costs of a proposed rule is required by Executive Order 12866 (as amended by Executive Order 13258 and Executive Order 13422).  A full benefit-cost analysis is required of any regulatory action that is deemed to be significant--that is, a regulation that will have an annual effect of $100 million or more on the economy.  See OMB Circular A-4; Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, 5 U.S.C. 601, 603, as amended by the SBREFA, 5 U.S.C. 610(a).

Early in the rulemaking process, the Department concluded that the economic impact of its adoption of the 2004 ADAAG as proposed standards for title II and title III was likely to exceed the threshold for significant regulatory actions of $100 million.  The Department has completed its initial regulatory impact analysis measuring the incremental benefits and costs of the proposed standards; the initial regulatory impact analysis is addressed at length with responses to public comments from the ANPRM in Appendix B.

The public may notice differences between the Department's regulatory impact analysis and the Access Board's regulatory assessment of the 2004 ADAAG. The differences in framework and approach result from the differing postures and responsibilities of the Department and the Access Board.  First, the breadth of the proposed changes assessed in Appendix A of this NPRM is greater than in the Access Board's assessments related to the 2004 ADAAG.  Unlike the Access Board, the Department must examine the effect of the proposed standards not only on newly constructed or altered facilities, but also on existing facilities.  Second, whereas the Access Board issued separate rules for many of the differences between the 1991 Standards and the 2004 ADAAG (e.g., play areas and recreation facilities), the Department is proposing to adopt several years of revisions in a single rulemaking.

According to the Department's initial Regulatory Impact Analysis ("RIA"), it is estimated that the incremental costs of the proposed requirements for each of the following eight existing elements will exceed monetized benefits by more than $100 million when using the 1991 Standards as the comparative baseline: side reach; water closet clearances in single-user toilet rooms with in-swinging doors; stairs; elevators; location of accessible routes to stages; accessible attorney areas and witness stands; assistive listening systems; and accessible teeing grounds, putting greens, and weather shelters at golf courses.  However, this baseline figure does not take into account the fact that, since 1991, various model codes and consensus standards--such as the model International Building Codes ("IBC") published by the International Codes Council and the consensus accessibility standards developed by the American National Standards Institute ("ANSI")--have been adopted by a majority of states (in whole or in part) and that these codes have provisions mirroring the substance of the Department's proposed regulations. Indeed, such regulatory overlap is intentional since harmonization among federal accessibility standards, state and local building codes, and model codes is one of the goals of the Department's rulemaking efforts. 

Even though the 1991 Standards are an appropriate baseline to compare the new requirements against, since they represent the current set of uniform federal regulations governing accessibility, in practice it is likely that many public and private facilities across the country are already being built or altered in compliance with the Department's proposed alterations standards with respect to these elements.  Because the model codes are voluntary, public entities often modify or carve out particular standards when adopting them into their laws, and even when the standards are the same, local officials often interpret them differently.  The mere fact that a state or local government has adopted a version of the IBC does not necessarily mean that facilities within that jurisdiction are legally subject to its accessibility provisions.  Because of these complications, and the inherent difficulty of determining which baseline is the most appropriate for each provision, the RIA accompanying this rulemaking compares the costs and benefits of the proposed requirements to several alternative baselines, which reflect various versions of existing building codes.  In addition, since the Department is soliciting comment on these eight particular provisions with high net costs, the Department believes it is useful to further discuss the potential impact of alternative baselines on these particular provisions.  

For example, the Department's proposed standards for existing stairs and elevators have identical counterparts in one or more IBC versions put in place before the 2004 ADAAG (2000 or 2003).  Please note, however, that the IBC 2006 version bases a number of its provisions on guidelines in the 2004 ADAAG.  These IBC versions, in turn, have been adopted collectively by forty-six (46) states and the District of Columbia on a statewide basis.  In the four (4) remaining states (Colorado, Delaware, Illinois, and Mississippi), while IBC adoption is left to the discretion of local jurisdictions, the vast majority of these local jurisdictions have elected to adopt IBC as their local code.  Thus, given that nearly all jurisdictions in the country currently enforce a version of the IBC as their building code, and to the extent that the IBC building codes may be settled in this area and would not be further modified to be consistent if they differ from the final version of these regulations, the incremental costs and benefits attributable to the Department's proposed regulations governing alterations to existing stairs and elevators may be less significant than the RIA suggests over the life of the regulation.

In a similar vein, consideration of an alternate IBC/ANSI baseline would also likely lower the incremental costs and benefits for five other proposed standards (side reach; water closet clearances in single-user toilet rooms with in-swinging doors; location of accessible routes to stages; accessible attorney areas and witness stands; and assistive listening systems), albeit to a lesser extent.  Each of these proposed standards has a counterpart in either Chapter 11 of one or more versions of the IBC, ANSI A117.1, or a functionally equivalent state accessibility code. While IBC Chapter 11 and ANSI A117.1 have yet not been as widely adopted as some other IBC chapters, the RIA nonetheless still estimates that between 15% and 35% of facilities nationwide are already covered by IBC/A117.1 provisions that mirror these five proposed standards.  It is thus expected that the incremental costs and benefits for these proposed standards may also be lower than the costs and benefits relative to the 1991 Standards baseline.

Question 1: The Department believes it would be useful to solicit input from the public to inform us on the anticipated costs or benefits for certain requirements.  The Department therefore invites comment as to what actual costs and benefits would be for these eight existing elements, in particular as applied to alterations, in compliance with the proposed regulations (side reach, water closet clearances in single-user toilet rooms with in-swinging doors, stairs, elevators, location of accessible routes to stages, accessible attorney areas and witness stands, assistive listening systems, and accessible teeing grounds, putting greens, and weather shelters at golf courses), as well as additional practical benefits from these requirements, which are often difficult to adequately monetize.

The Department does not have statutory authority to modify the 2004 ADAAG; instead the ADA requires the Attorney General to issue regulations implementing the ADA that are "consistent with" the ADA Accessibility Guidelines issued by the Access Board.  See 42 U.S.C. 12134(c), 12186(c).  As noted above in other parts of this preamble, the Department leaves open the possibility of seeking further consideration by the Access Board of particular issues raised by the 2004 ADAAG based on disproportionate costs and compared to benefits and public comments. The Access Board did not have the benefit of our RIA or public comment on our RIA as it pertains to the 2004 ADAAG.

Question 2:  The Department would welcome comment on whether any of the proposed standards for these eight areas (side reach, water closet clearances in single-user toilet rooms with in-swinging doors, stairs, elevators, location of accessible routes to stages, accessible attorney areas and witness stands, assistive listening systems, and accessible teeing grounds, putting greens, and weather shelters at golf courses) should be raised with the Access Board for further consideration, in particular as applied to alterations.


The proposed requirement to provide direct access to stages represents an effort to ensure that individuals with disabilities are able to participate in programs in an integrated setting. Under the current 1991 Standards, a compliant accessible route connecting seating locations to performing areas is permitted to go outside the assembly area and make use of an indirect interior accessible route to access the stage area.  As a result, even when other audience members are able to access a stage directly via stairs in order to participate in ceremonies, skits, or other interactive on-stage events, persons with mobility disabilities may be required to use an inconvenient indirect entrance to the stage.  As graduates or award recipients, they may be required to part company with their peers, to make their way to the stage alone, and to make a conspicuous entrance. To address this situation, the proposed requirement mandates that, when a direct circulation path (for audience members) connects the seating area to a stage, the accessible route to the stage must also be direct.

The Department has generally determined that the overall costs for this requirement are relatively high in the alterations context, due to the expense of having to provide a lift or ramp to access the stage area directly, regardless of which baseline is used for the analysis.  The Department, however, has had difficulty in estimating the real costs of this requirement because of a lack of information about whether colleges, elementary and secondary schools, and entertainment venues now routinely provide such access when they are altering existing auditoriums or how frequently such alterations occur.  Also, the Department currently lacks sufficient data or other sources with which to quantify the benefits that accrue to students and other persons with disabilities who, as a result of direct access to stages, would be able to participate fully and equally in graduation exercises and other events.

Question 3:  The Department would welcome information from operators of auditoriums on the likelihood that their auditoriums will be altered in the next fifteen years, and, if so, whether such alterations are likely to include accessible and direct access to stages.  In addition, the Department would like specific information on whether, because of local law or policy, auditorium operators are already providing a direct accessible route to their stages.  (The Department is also interested in whether having to provide a direct access to the stage would encourage operators of auditoriums to postpone or cancel the alterations of their facilities.)  The Department also seeks information on possible means of quantifying the benefits that accrue to persons with disabilities from this proposed requirement or on its importance to them.  To the extent that such information cannot be quantified, the Department welcomes examples of personal or anecdotal experience that illustrate the value of this requirement.

The Department's RIA also estimates significant costs, regardless of the baseline used, for the proposed requirement that court facilities must provide an accessible route to a witness stand or attorney area and clear floor space to accommodate a wheelchair.  These costs arise both in the new construction and alteration contexts.  If the witness stand is raised, then either a ramp or lift must be provided to ensure access to the witness stand.  While the RIA quantifies the benefits for this proposed requirement (as it does for all of the proposed requirements) primarily in terms of time savings, the Department fully appreciates that such a methodology does not capture the intangible benefits that accrue when persons with mobility disabilities are able to participate in the court process as conveniently as any other witness or party.  Without access to the witness stand, for example, a wheelchair user, or a witness who uses other mobility devices such as a walker or crutches, may have to sit at floor level.  If the witness with a mobility disability testifies from a floor level position, the witness could be placed at a disadvantage in communicating with the judge and jury, who may no longer be able to see the witness as easily, or, potentially, at all.  This may create a reciprocal difficulty for the judge and jurors who lose the sightline normally provided by the raised witness stand that enables them to see and hear the witness in order to evaluate his or her demeanor and credibility--difficulty that redounds to the detriment of litigants themselves and ultimately our system of justice.

Question 4:  The Department welcomes comment on how to measure or quantify the  intangible benefits that would accrue from accessible witness stands. We particularly invite anecdotal accounts of the courtroom experiences of individuals with disabilities who have encountered inaccessible witness stands, as well as the experiences of state and local governments in making witness stands accessible, either in the new construction or alteration context.

Under the 1991 Standards, Assistive Listening Systems ("ALS") are required in courtrooms and in other settings where audible communication is integral to the use of the space and audio amplification systems are provided for the general audience. However, these Standards do not set forth technical specifications for such systems.  Since 1991, advancements in ALS and the advent of digital technologies have made these systems more amenable to uniform technical specifications.  In keeping with these technological advancements, the revised requirements create a technical standard that, among other things, ensures that a certain percentage of required ALS have hearing-aid compatible receivers. Requiring hearing-aid compatible ALS enables persons who are hard of hearing to hear a speech, a play, a movie, or to follow the content of a trial.  Without an effective ALS, people with hearing loss are effectively excluded from participation because they are unable to hear or understand the audible portion of the presentation. From an economic perspective, the cost of a single hearing-aid compliant ALS is not high--about $500 more than a non-compliant system--and compliant equipment is readily available on the retail market.  As estimated in the RIA, the high overall costs for the revised technical requirements for ALS are instead driven by the assumption that entities with large assembly areas (such as universities, stadiums, and auditoriums) will be required to purchase a relatively large number of compliant systems.  On the other hand, the overall scoping for ALS has been reduced in the Department's proposed requirement, thus mitigating the cost to covered entities.  The proposed revision to the technical requirement merely specifies that 25% (or at least two) of the required ALS receivers must be hearing-aid compatible.  The RIA estimates that a significant part of the cost of this requirement will come from the replacement of individual ALS receivers and system maintenance. 

Question 5: The Department seeks information from arena and assembly area administrators on their experiences in managing ALS.  In order to evaluate the accuracy of the assumptions in the RIA relating to ALS costs, the Department welcomes particular information on the life expectancy of ALS equipment and the cost of ongoing maintenance. The Department's proposed requirements mandate an accessible (pedestrian) route that connects all accessible elements within the boundary of the golf course and facility, including teeing grounds, putting greens, and weather shelters. Requiring access to necessary features of a golf course ensures that persons with mobility disabilities may fully and equally participate in a recreational activity.   From an economic perspective, the Department's RIA assumes that virtually every tee and putting green on an existing course will need to be regraded in order to provide compliant accessible (pedestrian) routes to these features.  However, the Department's proposal also excuses compliance with the requirement for an accessible (pedestrian) route so long as a "golf car passage" (i.e., the path typically used by golf cars) is otherwise provided to the teeing ground, putting green, or other accessible element on a course.  Because it is likely that most public and private golf courses in the United States already provide golf passages to most or all holes, the actual costs of this requirement for owners and operators of existing golf courses should be reduced with little or no practical loss in accessibility.

The Department's proposed requirements mandate an accessible (pedestrian) route that connects all accessible elements within the boundary of the golf course and facility, including teeing grounds, putting greens, and weather shelters. Requiring access to necessary features of a golf course ensures that persons with mobility disabilities may fully and equally participate in a recreational activity.

From an economic perspective, the Department's RIA assumes that virtually every tee and putting green on an existing course will need to be regraded in order to provide compliant accessible (pedestrian) routes to these features. However, the Department's proposal also excuses compliance with the requirement for an accessible (pedestrian) route so long as a "golf car passage" (i.e., the path typically used by golf cars) is otherwise provided to the teeing ground, putting green, or other accessible element on a course. Because it is likely that most public and private golf courses in the United States already provide golf passages to most or all holes, the actual costs of this requirement for owners and operators of existing golf courses should be reduced with little or no practical loss in accessibility.

Question 6:  The Department seeks information from the owners and operators of golf courses, both public and private, on the extent to which their courses already have golf car passages to teeing grounds, putting greens, and weather shelters, and, if so, whether they intend to avail themselves of the proposed exception.

Analysis of impact on small entities.

The second type of analysis that the Department has undertaken is a review of its existing regulations for title II and title III in order to consider the impact of those regulations on small entities.  The review requires agencies to consider five factors:  (1) The continued need for the rule; (2) the nature of complaints or comments received concerning the rule from the public; (3) the complexity of the rule; (4) the extent to which the rule overlaps, duplicates, or conflicts with other federal rules, and, to the extent feasible, with state and local governmental rules; and (5) the length of time since the rule has been evaluated or the degree to which technology, economic conditions, or other factors have changed in the area affected by the rule.  5 U.S.C. 610(b).  Based on these factors, the agency should determine whether to continue the rule without change or to amend or rescind the rule to minimize any significant economic impact of the rule on a substantial number of small entities.  Id. at 610(a).

In performing this review, the Department has gone through its regulation section by section, and, as a result, proposes several clarifications and amendments in this NPRM.  Amendments to its title III regulation are proposed in the NPRM for title III published jointly with this rule.  The proposals reflect the Department's analysis and review of complaints or comments from the public as well as changes in technology.  Many of the proposals aim to clarify and simplify the obligations of covered entities.  As discussed in greater detail above, one significant goal of the development of the 2004 ADAAG was to eliminate duplication or overlap in federal accessibility guidelines as well as to harmonize the federal guidelines with model codes.  The Department has also worked to create harmony where appropriate between the requirements of titles II and III.  Finally, while the regulation is required by statute and there is a continued need for it as a whole, the Department proposes several modifications that are intended to reduce its effects on small entities.

Organization of this NPRM

The subsequent sections of this NPRM deal with the Department's response to comments and its proposals for changes to its current regulation that derive from the required, periodic review that it performed.  The proposed standards and the Department's response to comments regarding the 2004 ADAAG are contained in Appendix A to the NPRM.  Appendix B to the NPRM contains the Department's initial, formal benefit-cost analysis.

The section of the NPRM entitled, "General Issues," briefly introduces topics that are noteworthy because they are new to the title II regulation or have been the subject of attention or comment.  The topics introduced in the general issues section include:  Safe harbor, service animals, wheelchairs and other power-driven mobility devices, effective communication and auxiliary aids, alterations to prison cells, and equipment.

Following the general issues section is the "Section-By-Section Analysis and Response to Comments."  This section includes a detailed discussion of the proposed changes to the text of the title II regulation.  The section-by-section analysis follows the order of the current regulation, except that regulatory sections that remain unchanged are not indicated.  The discussion within each section explains the proposals and the reasoning behind them as well as the Department's response to related public comments.  Subject areas that deal with more than one section of the regulation include references to the related sections where appropriate. 

The section-by-section analysis includes specific questions to which the Department requests public response.  These questions are numbered and italicized so that they are easier for readers to locate and reference.  The Department emphasizes, however, that the public may comment on any aspect of this NPRM and is not required to respond solely to questions specifically posed by the Department.

The Department's proposed changes to the actual regulatory text of title II that follow the section-by-section analysis are entitled, "Part 35: Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in State and Local Government Services." 

General Issues

This section briefly introduces topics that are noteworthy because they are new to the title II regulation or have been the subject of considerable attention or comment.  Each topic is discussed in greater detail subsequently in the section-by-section analysis.

Safe harbor.

One of the most important issues the Department must address in proposing to adopt the 2004 ADAAG as its new ADA Standards for Accessible Design is the effect that the proposed standards will have on existing facilities under title II.  This issue was not addressed in the 2004 ADAAG because it is outside of the scope of the Access Board's authority under the ADA.

Under title II, program accessibility requires that state and local government agencies provide individuals with disabilities with access to their programs when "viewed in their entirety."  Title II does not require structural modifications in all circumstances in order to provide program access.  As a result of this flexibility, the Department believes that the program accessibility requirement as it is codified in the current regulation may appropriately mitigate any burdens on public entities without additional regulatory safeguards.  Nevertheless, in order to provide certainty and clarity, the Department is proposing a safe harbor for elements in existing facilities that are in compliance with either the 1991 Standards or the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS), 41 CFR part 101-19.6, App. A.  This proposal is discussed below in § 35.150(b)(2) of the section-by-section analysis.

The Department invites comment on whether public entities that operate existing facilities with play or recreation areas should be exempted from compliance with certain requirements in the 2004 ADAAG. Existing facilities would continue to be subject to accessibility requirements in existing law, but not specifically to the requirements in:  (1) The Access Board's supplemental guidelines on play areas, 65 FR 62498 (Oct. 18, 2000); and (2) the Access Board's supplemental guidelines on recreation facilities, 67 FR 56352 (Sept. 3, 2002).  Under this scenario, the 2004 ADAAG would apply only to new play areas and recreation facilities, and would not govern the accessibility of existing facilities as legal requirements.  Public entities that operate existing facilities with play or recreation areas, pursuant to the ADA's requirements to provide equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities, may still have the obligation to provide an accessible route to the playground, some accessible equipment, and an accessible surface for the play area or recreation facility.

Question 7:  Should the Department exempt public entities from specific compliance with the supplemental requirements for play areas and recreation facilities, and instead continue to determine accessibility in these facilities on a case-by-case basis under existing law? Please provide information on the effect of such a proposal on people with disabilities and public entities.

Service animals.

The Department wishes to clarify the obligations of public entities to accommodate individuals with disabilities who use service animals.  The Department continues to receive a large number of complaints from individuals with service animals.  It appears, therefore, that many covered entities are confused about their obligations under the ADA in this area.  At the same time, some individuals with  impairments--who would not be covered as qualified individuals with disabilities--are claiming that their animals are legitimate service animals, whether fraudulently or sincerely (albeit mistakenly), to gain access to the facilities of public entities.  Another trend is the use of wild or exotic animals, many of which are untrained, as service animals.  In order to clarify its position and avoid further misapplication of the ADA, the Department is proposing amendments to its regulation with regard to service animals.

Minimal protection.

In the Department's ADA Business Brief on Service Animals, which was published in 2002, the Department interpreted the minimal protection language in its definition of service animals within the context of a seizure (i.e., alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure).  Although the Department received comments urging it to eliminate the phrase "providing minimal protection" from its regulation, the Department continues to believe that the language serves the important function of excluding from coverage so-called "attack dogs" that pose a direct threat to others.

Guidance on permissible service animals.

The existing regulation implementing title III defines a "service animal" as "any guide dog, signal dog, or other animal."  At the time the regulation was promulgated, the Department believed that leaving the species selection up to the discretion of the individual with a disability was the best course of action.  Due to the proliferation of animal types that have been used as "service animals," including wild animals, the Department believes that this area needs established parameters.  Therefore, the Department is proposing to eliminate certain species from coverage under the ADA even if the other elements of the definition are satisfied.

Comfort animals vs. psychiatric service animals.

Under the Department's present regulatory language, some individuals and entities have assumed that the requirement that service animals must be individually trained to do work or carry out tasks excluded all persons with mental disabilities from having service animals.  Others have assumed that any person with a psychiatric condition whose pet provided comfort to him or her was covered by the ADA.  The Department believes that psychiatric service animals that are trained to do work or perform a task (e.g., reminding its owner to take medicine) for persons whose disability is covered by the ADA are protected by the Department's present regulatory approach.

Psychiatric service animals can be trained to perform a variety of tasks that assist individuals with disabilities to detect the onset of psychiatric episodes and ameliorate their effects. Tasks performed by psychiatric service animals may include reminding the handler to take medicine; providing safety checks, or room searches, or turning on lights for persons with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; interrupting self-mutilation by persons with dissociative identity disorders; and keeping disoriented individuals from danger.

The Department is proposing new regulatory text in § 35.104 to formalize its position on emotional support or comfort animals, which is that "[a]nimals whose sole function is to provide emotional support, comfort, therapy, companionship, therapeutic benefits, or promote emotional well-being are not service animals."  The Department wishes to underscore that the exclusion of emotional support animals from ADA coverage does not mean that persons with psychiatric, cognitive, or mental disabilities cannot use service animals.  The Department proposes specific regulatory text in § 35.104 to make this clear: "[t]he term service animal includes individually trained animals that do work or perform tasks for the benefit of individuals with disabilities, including psychiatric, cognitive, and mental disabilities."  This language simply clarifies the Department's longstanding position.

The Department's rule is based on the assumption that the title II and title III regulations govern a wider range of public settings than the settings that allow for emotional support animals.  The Department recognizes, however, that there are situations not governed exclusively by the title II and title III regulations, particularly in the context of residential settings and employment where there may be compelling reasons to permit the use of animals whose presence provides emotional support to a person with a disability.  Accordingly, other federal agency regulations governing those situations may appropriately provide for increased access for animals other than service animals.

Proposed training standards.  The Department has always required that service animals be individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, but has never imposed any type of formal training requirements or certification process.  While some advocacy groups have urged the Department to modify its position, the Department does not believe that such a modification would serve the array of individuals with disabilities who use service animals. 

Detailed regulatory text changes and the Department's response to public comments on these issues and others are discussed below in the definitions § 35.104 and in a newly-proposed  § 35.136.

Wheelchairs and other power-driven mobility devices.

Since the passage of the ADA, choices of mobility aids available to individuals with disabilities have vastly increased.  In addition to devices such as wheelchairs and mobility scooters, individuals with disabilities may use devices that are not designed primarily for use by individuals with disabilities, such as electronic personal assistive mobility devices (EPAMDs). (The only available model known to the Department is the Segway®.)  The Department has received complaints and become aware of situations where individuals with mobility disabilities have utilized riding lawn mowers, golf cars, large wheelchairs with rubber tracks, gasoline-powered, two-wheeled scooters, and other devices for locomotion in pedestrian areas.  These new or adapted mobility aids benefit individuals with disabilities, but also present new challenges for state and local governments.  

EPAMDs illustrate some of the challenges posed by new mobility devices. The basic Segway® model is a two-wheeled, gyroscopically stabilized, battery-powered personal transportation device.  The user stands on a platform suspended three inches off the ground by wheels on each side, grasps a T-shaped handle, and steers the device similarly to a bicycle.  The EPAMD can travel up to 12½ miles per hour, compared to the average pedestrian walking speed of 3 to 4 miles per hour and the approximate maximum speed for power-operated wheelchairs of 6 miles per hour.  In a study of trail and other nonmotorized transportation users including EPAMDs, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) found that the eye height of people using EPAMDs ranged from 68¼ inches to 79½ inches.  See Federal Highway Administration, Characteristics of Emerging Road and Trail Users and Their Safety (Oct. 2004), available at http://www.tfhrc.gov/safety/pubs/04103. Thus, EPAMDs can operate at much greater speeds than wheelchairs, and the average user is much taller than most wheelchair users.

EPAMDs have been the subject of debate among users, pedestrians, disability advocates, state and local governments, businesses, and bicyclists.  The fact that a device is not designed primarily for use by or marketed primarily to individuals with disabilities, nor used primarily by persons with disabilities, complicates the question of whether individuals with disabilities should be allowed to operate them in areas and facilities where other powered devices are not allowed.  Those who question the use of EPAMDs in pedestrian areas argue that the speed, size, and operating features of the devices make them too dangerous to operate alongside pedestrians and wheelchair users.  Although the question of EPAMD safety has not been resolved, many states have passed legislation addressing EPAMD operation on sidewalks, bicycle paths, and roads.  In addition, some states, such as Iowa and Oregon, have minimum age requirements, or mandatory helmet laws.  New Jersey requires helmets for all EPAMD users, while Hawaii and Pennsylvania require helmets for users under a certain age.

While there may be legitimate safety issues for EPAMD users and bystanders, EPAMDs and other nontraditional mobility devices can deliver real benefits to individuals with disabilities.  For example, individuals with severe respiratory conditions who can walk limited distances and individuals with multiple sclerosis have reported benefitting significantly from EPAMDs.  Such individuals often find that EPAMDs are more comfortable and easier to use than wheelchairs, and assist with balance, circulation, and digestion in ways that wheelchairs do not.  See Rachel Metz, Disabled Embrace Segway, New York Times, Oct. 14, 2004.

The Department has received questions and complaints from individuals with disabilities and covered entities about which mobility aids must be accommodated and under what circumstances.  While some individuals with disabilities support the use of unique mobility devices, other individuals with disabilities are concerned about their personal safety when others are using such devices.  There is also concern about the impact of such mobility devices on facilities, such as the weight of the device on fragile floor surfaces.

The Department intends to address these issues and proposes to adopt a policy that sets the parameters for when these devices must be accommodated.  Toward that end, the Department proposes new definitions of the terms "wheelchair"--which includes manually and power-driven wheelchairs and mobility scooters--and "other power-driven mobility device" and accompanying regulatory text.  The proposed definitions are discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 35.104, and the proposed regulatory text is discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 35.137.

Much of the debate surrounding mobility aids has centered on appropriate definitions for the terms "wheelchair" and "other power-driven mobility devices."  The Department has not defined the term "manually powered mobility aids."  Instead, the proposed rule provides a list including wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, canes, braces, or similar devices.  The inclusion of the term "similar devices" indicates that the list is not intended to be exhaustive.  The Department would like input as to whether addressing "manually powered mobility aids" in this manner (i.e., via examples of such devices) is appropriate.  The Department also would like information as to whether there are any other non-powered or manually powered mobility aids that should be added to the list and an explanation of the reasons they should be included.  If an actual definition is preferred, the Department would welcome input with regard to the language that might be used to define "manually powered mobility aids," and an explanation of the reasons this language would better serve the public.       

Effective communication and auxiliary aids.

Revised § 35.160(a) of the title II regulation requires a public entity to take appropriate steps to ensure that communications with individuals with disabilities, including applicants, participants, members of the public, and their companions, are as effective as communications with others.  The Department has investigated hundreds of complaints alleging that public entities have failed to provide effective communication, many of which resulted in settlement agreements and consent decrees.  During the course of its investigations, the Department has determined that public entities sometimes misunderstand the scope of their obligations under the statute and the regulation.  Moreover, the number of individuals with hearing loss continues to grow in this country as a large segment of the population ages and as individuals live longer. 

The Department is proposing several changes and additions to §§ 35.104, 35.160, and 35.161 of the title II regulation to address these issues.  Among other amendments, these changes update the regulatory language in response to numerous technological advances and breakthroughs in the area of auxiliary aids and services since the regulation was promulgated sixteen years ago.  The most significant changes relate to video interpreting services (VIS) and the provision of effective communication for companions.

A technology that has emerged since promulgation of the original regulation is video interpreting services (VIS), and the Department proposes to include it in the regulation.  VIS permits an individual who is deaf or hard of hearing to view and sign to a video interpreter (i.e., a live interpreter in another location) who can see and sign to the individual through a camera located on or near the monitor.  VIS can provide immediate, effective access to interpreting services seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day in a variety of situations by allowing individuals in separate locations to have live, face-to-face communications.

The specific amendments to the section on auxiliary aids and services, in addition to the provision of VIS, are described in §§ 35.104, 35.160, and 35.161 of the section-by-section analysis below.

Alterations to prison cells.

The 2004 ADAAG establishes requirements for the design and construction of cells in correctional facilities.  When the Access Board adopted these new requirements, it deferred one decision to the Attorney General, specifically:  "Alterations to cells shall not be required to comply except to the extent determined by the Attorney General."  The unique environment and security concerns of a correctional facility present challenges that are not an issue in other government buildings, so the Department must strike a balance between the accessibility needs of inmates with disabilities and the concerns of the prison officials and staff that run the facilities.  Therefore, in the ANPRM, the Department sought public comment about the most effective means to ensure that existing correctional facilities are made accessible to prisoners with disabilities and presented three options:  (1) Require all altered elements to be accessible, which would maintain the current policy that applies to other ADA alterations requirements; (2) permit substitute cells to be made accessible within the same facility, which would permit correctional authorities to meet their obligation by providing the required accessible features in cells within the same facility, other than those specific cells in which alterations are planned; or (3) permit substitute cells to be made accessible within a prison system, which would focus on ensuring that prisoners with disabilities are housed in facilities that best meet their needs, since alterations within a prison environment often result in piecemeal accessibility.  Discussion of the proposed options and submitted comments are described below in the section-by-section analysis of § 35.152, a newly proposed section on matters related to detention and correctional facilities.

Equipment and furniture.

Question seven of the ANPRM asked for comment on whether regulatory guidance is needed with respect to the acquisition and use of mobile, portable, and other free-standing equipment or furnishings used by covered entities to provide services, and asked for specific examples of situations that should be addressed.  The ANPRM explained that free-standing equipment was already addressed in the regulations in several different contexts, but that since covered entities continue to raise questions about the extent of their obligation to provide accessible free-standing equipment, the Department was considering adding specific language on equipment.

The Department received comments both in favor and against this proposal with a majority of comments in favor of requiring accessible equipment and furniture.  However, the Department has decided to add no new regulatory text with respect to equipment at this time.  A few title II entities submitted very brief comments, with about half in favor of specific requirements for free-standing equipment and half opposed.  Most individuals and organizations representing individuals with disabilities were in favor of adding or clarifying requirements for accessible equipment.  Disability organizations pointed out that from the user's perspective, it is irrelevant whether the equipment (e.g., ATMs or vending machines) is free-standing or fixed, since the equipment must be accessible in order for them to use it.         

The Department believes that accessible equipment and furnishings are required when appropriate under the existing regulations governing modifications of policies, practices, and procedures, and in the requirement for program accessibility.  28 CFR 35.130(7); 35.150.  In addition, some equipment may also be subject to the effective communication requirements.  28 CFR 35.160.  The existing regulation at § 35.150(a) requires that entities operate each service, program, or activity so that, when viewed in its entirety, each is readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities, subject to a defense of fundamental alteration or undue burden. Section 35.150(b) specifies that such entities may meet their obligation to make each program accessible to individuals with disabilities through the "redesign of equipment."  Section 35.160(a) requires covered entities to provide effective communication to program participants.  Consequently, providing accessible equipment is required when appropriate under the existing regulations.  The Department has decided to continue with this approach and not to add any specific regulatory guidance addressing equipment at this time.

The 2004 ADAAG includes revised requirements for some types of fixed equipment that are specifically addressed in the 1991 Standards, such as ATMs and vending machines, as well as detailed requirements for fixed equipment that is not addressed by name in the current Standards, such as depositories, change machines, and fuel dispensers.  Because the 2004 ADAAG provides detailed requirements for many types of fixed equipment, covered entities should consult those requirements in determining what steps are appropriate for making free-standing equipment accessible.  The Department also agrees that when federal guidance for accessibility exists for equipment required to be accessible to individuals who are blind or have low vision, entities should consult such guidance (e.g., federal standards implementing section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, 36 CFR part 1194, or the guidelines that specify communication accessibility for ATMs and fare card machines in the 2004 ADAAG, 36 CFR part 1191, App. D).  The Department intends to continue to monitor the use of accessible equipment by covered entities and to analyze the economic impact of possibly providing more detailed requirements in future regulations governing specific types of free-standing equipment.  

Accessible golf cars.

Question six of the ANPRM asked whether golf courses should be required to make at least one, and possibly two, specialized golf cars available for the use of individuals with disabilities, with no greater advance notice required to obtain them than for use of other golf cars.  The Department also asked about the golf car's safety and use on golf course greens.  Accessible single-user golf cars are cars for use by individuals with mobility impairments that are driven with hand controls, and from which a person with a disability can hit the golf ball while remaining in the seat of the car.  Some golf cars have a swivel, elevated seat that allows the golfer to play from a semi-standing position.  These cars can be used by individuals without disabilities as well. 

The Department received many comments regarding accessible golf cars, with the majority of commenters in favor of requiring accessible golf cars.  The comments in opposition to requiring accessible golf cars came from some individuals and from entities covered by title III.  The Department has decided to propose no new regulations specific to accessible golf cars at this time.                                                                           

Many commenters in favor of requiring accessible golf cars noted the social aspect of golf, generally, and its specific--albeit informal--importance, in many business transactions, thus affecting both the social lives and the careers of some individuals with disabilities. 

Comments opposed to requiring accessible golf cars generally came from individuals and golf course owners and associations covered by title III.  Some commenters believed that there is little demand for accessible golf cars, or that the problem is solved by putting "medical" flags on traditional cars to identify individuals with disabilities who are then permitted to drive onto the greens, which otherwise would not be permitted. Others stated that accessible golf cars were too expensive or were specialized equipment that individuals with disabilities should purchase for themselves. One city representative commented that courses that do not provide golf cars should not be required to provide accessible golf cars.

Safety and the impact on golf course grounds were other areas addressed by the comments.  Again, opinions were divided. Some commenters said that the single-user golf cars are safe, do not damage the greens, and speed up the pace of play.  Others argued that the cars should pass the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards[2] for traditional golf cars, and that the single-user cars should not be required until there are safety standards for these cars.

Other concerns raised by public comments were the effect of allowing accessible golf car use on the greens and their impact on maintenance of the course.  Some commenters suggested that the cars would damage the greens and that the repair costs would be more significant than for traditional golf cars.  In addition, one commenter suggested that courses exceeding certain slope and degree standards be exempted from having single-user cars because of safety concerns.

Comments from golf courses that have provided accessible golf cars were generally positive in terms of safety and maintenance of the course. Further, courses that provide accessible cars do not report any safety issues or more than minimal damage to the greens.

With respect to making golf cars available, most supporters of providing accessible golf cars believe that no advance notice should be required to reserve the golf cars.  One association supported requiring golf courses to have accessible cars with advance notice, which could be achieved through pooling arrangements with other courses.  Some commenters explained that at least two cars per course should be required so that golfers with disabilities can play together.

Commenters also addressed whether courses that provide no cars at all should provide accessible cars.  Some commenters supported requiring every golf course, whether or not it provides traditional golf cars, to provide accessible cars because individuals with disabilities will not be able to play without an accessible car.      

The Department has decided not to add a regulation specifically addressing accessible golf cars at this time.  The existing regulation, which requires that entities operate each service, program, or activity so that, when viewed in its entirety, the service, program, or activity is readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities, subject to a defense of fundamental alteration or undue burden, will continue to govern this issue.  28 CFR 35.150(a).

The Department is aware that the Department of Defense has recently undertaken an extensive study of the accessibility of golf courses operated for military personnel.  As a result of its study, the Department of Defense plans to provide two accessible golf cars at each of the 174 golf courses that the Department of Defense operates, except those at which it would be unsafe to operate such golf cars because of the terrain of the course.  See U.S. Department of Defense, Report to Congress: Access of Disabled Persons to Morale, Recreation, and Welfare (MRW) Facilities and Activities (Sept. 25, 2007).  The Department of Justice plans to study the Defense Department's implementation of its plan to determine if it provides an effective framework for ensuring golf course accessibility.

[2] ANSI Z130.1-1999.


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