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ADA Compliance Process by Evan Terry Associates

Note: This document or portion of document is from the www.evanterry.com archives and may not reflect the most current information, practices or code references. This is in the process of being updated and will soon be available in addition to the archived original.


ABA   Architectural Barriers Act of 1968

ADA   Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

ADAAG   ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities - Appendix "A" to DOJ Regulation on Title III - (Fed. Reg. 7-26-91) plus revisions to date

ANSI A117.1   American National Standard for Buildings and Facilities - Providing Accessibility and Usability for Physically Handicapped People - 1980, 86, 92

ATBCB   Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board

CABO   Council for American Building Officials

CDC   Center for Disease Control

DOJ   Department of Justice

DOT   Department of Transportation

EEOC   Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

FCC   Federal Communications Commission

FHAA   Fair Housing Amendments Act - 1988

MGRAD   Minimum Guidelines and Regulations for Accessible Design (36 CFR part 1190)

Rehab Act   Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (especially Section 504)

UFAS   Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards - 1988


Evan Terry Associates, P.C. • One Perimeter Park So, Suite 200S • Birmingham AL 35243

• Phone 205/9729100 • TTY 205/9729112 • Fax 205/9729110

www.evanterry.com • email: eta@evanterry.com



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